Easy Omelette Recipe (4 Ways)

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Finally! How to make an omelette that is fluffy, tender, and perfectly cooked. With this perfect recipe, you can make any omelet …

41 replies
  1. Evan Hearne
    Evan Hearne says:

    I always love how easy your videos are to follow. My YouTube recommendations have been off recently but now I’m getting your videos back Natasha! I love how you compartmentalised each section, nearly like a pizza – you focus on your base and add your toppings. Easy peasy! You bring a sense of peace and joy with your videos by being yourself. You’re such an amazing person who brings so much to the table (quite literally). ❤

  2. J.D. Ray
    J.D. Ray says:

    Hello my hottie! This all looks good! I use seasoned carbon steel skillets, add a little olive oil and off we go. I like Mexican omelets, with chorizo, fresh mozzarella/Oaxaca, queso fresco, and chopped onion. Left over chicken works too. I think as far as fillings, almost anything goes.

  3. Nicholas Rooksby
    Nicholas Rooksby says:

    My favorite is bacon/ tomato/ onion/ cheese.
    I've never heard of using mozzarella. Most restaurants use cheddar or American. I'll definitely try the mozzarella!
    This (may) be a tip… using a hand mixer, or one of those 'immersion blenders', will make some SUPER frothy eggs.

  4. Jacqueline
    Jacqueline says:

    It seems like every time I wished I knew how to make something, or make it right, you show me how! My omelets are brown and fall apart. Now I am going to try this! I like bacon, mushroom, spinach, onion, and bell pepper, myself.


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