Easy Meal Prep Hacks to Save TIME & MONEY | Ways to Save Money On Groceries that No One Talks About!

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25 replies
  1. Mom Skelton
    Mom Skelton says:

    I cook up a few boxes of spaghetti and freeze in dinner portions. I loved your marinara sauce recipe!! Thanks for the onion tip! I hadn't thought of using processor for chopping onions!

  2. Amy T
    Amy T says:

    The trick you shared with shared with the onions ๐Ÿง…, I do that with tomato paste. I only ever need a tablespoon or 2 at a time, so I just freeze portioned off like your onions. Works great! I cannot wait to get moved and start my freezer scrap bag for veggie stock again! I love it! And to stalk my freezer with homemade beans. So easy & so cheap. Totally worth the minimal effort it takes. I make both of these in my instant pot.

  3. Colleen C
    Colleen C says:

    i finally downloaded Fetch. Thanks for the reminder. Going to try your marinara recipe this weekend. Sounds delicious. I make my beans from dry too, no soaking needed. 34 minutes for pintos, which are my current favorite. I've got a bag of scraps in the freezer too, just waiting to be made into broth!

  4. Jessica S.
    Jessica S. says:

    So question…do you scrub your onions and stuff first then? Bc confession, I never wash my onions usually. Also, are there any veggie scraps would you not recommend using? Loved the tips, thanks!

  5. missy porter
    missy porter says:

    Yes- love freezing portions of zucchini, onion, peppers, jalapeรฑos, kale, spinach, tomatoes, ect- we had a garden and our neighbors share a ton too- so excited to save a ton of money this winter again for our big family!

  6. Jessica Wanna
    Jessica Wanna says:

    Thought I'd share a hack that I've been meaning to try. "Wet some paper towel and keep it on the cutting board.ย The acidity from onions gravitate towards water. So instead of hitting your tear ducts it'll seep towards the wet paper towel instead.โ€ ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿง…

  7. Christina R
    Christina R says:

    I put the jar of water or broth that I will be using for the meal next to the cutting board and it no longer bothers me. Works every time. Excited to try your sauce and veggie broth! Thank you!

  8. Jasmine Hayes
    Jasmine Hayes says:

    Have you ever heard of souper cubes? They are kind of expensive, but they are awesome for food prep/freezing soups and sauces. I use them every week. It's food grade silicone. Once it freeze, the cubes pop right out to put in a plastic bag.

    YAH'S BELOVED says:

    For my homemade veggie broth..I make my veggie broth then reuse plastic water bottles which is 16oz . So , I can stack my freezer and I just take 1 bottle per use in my meals.
    Plus, like you I reuse glass jars as well..
    Thanks for the onion hack it just changed my life. I also, take a small cube silicone cube tray and portion out my tomato paste and sauce put into freezer and it make it quicker n meals are finished in timely preparation..
    ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  10. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Oh my goodness! I bought 2 bell peppers last week to chop up and freeze. Thank you so much for the reminder.
    I pressure cooked 2 lbs of dried pinto beans and didnt soak them. My tummy didnt like it so I will soak them next time but I felt so accomplished after making them. We made refried beans and portioned them out. No more buy canned refried beans. Well I have some but I want to use the canned stuff for emergencies or convenience. Pressure cooking your own beans truly saves money.
    Homemade marinara tastes better to me too. I need to start doing that as well. I buy Raos and its pricey. I would save a lot of money if I made my own.
    My mind is spinning and thinking of all of the stuff I have in my fridge that o can freeze.
    The onions kill my eyes and sinuses. I tried doing this with the onions, peeling/chopping them and they still did the same thing to me. But I may just do more dicing at one time and still freeze them. Great idea to have this happen once in a while and not everytime you need onions.
    Thanks so much for all of the great money saving tips.
    Got my bag of veggie scraps going. I threw some out for a couple of days and when I realized it I was so mad at myself but forward and onward. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Blessings. ๐Ÿ™

  11. Betty Horn
    Betty Horn says:

    Great ideas as usual. I've been doing that for years. My bell peppers, onions and celery never go bad! (Except for Ian, when we had throw it all out). And I love homemade veggie broth!

  12. Laura 79
    Laura 79 says:

    These were really very helpful tips, thank you so much! I will definitely apply a lot of them. I started to follow emily and she seems to be a very nice person, but i felt too triggered due to the complete opposite of my nutritional standpoints (she is basically high animal protein, low carb) so i stopped following her. But i find it inspiring that you are so open minded in regards to nutritional standpoints – something i have to work on.

  13. mary McCoach
    mary McCoach says:

    New subscriber here – liked the freezing onions in sections vid. Several hacks that work for me are: making veggie broth, beans and lentils(separately of course ๐Ÿ˜) overnight in my slow cooker on low for 8 hrs. This leaves the slow cooker available during the day for other meals (I use mine a lot!). I also use it for baking quick breads, pizza, etc. Also when ground beef is on sale I buy 2pkgs. and make up meat loaves to freeze and cook up the rest and put into freezer bags in meal size portions. The cooked ground beef tastes better after freezing imo than freezing it raw. I also do this with bacon and take out a portion to โ€œnukeโ€ while my eggs are cooking.

  14. Mary Egerton
    Mary Egerton says:

    Hi Miranda โค this is such a great video! I love the onion hack. I actually do the same thing. I get them on sale, dice them and slice them in different sizes for different applications, then freeze them. I like the food processor idea because you can use it for all kinds of soups and stews. I do the pepper thing too. Peppers are horribly expensive here and now is the time to buy and chop. They last me all winter. We have horrendous winters here, so if I can get ahead, I can save a ton of money and I donโ€™t have to drive in a blizzard. Peace and love to you โ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ’•


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