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Hey guys! I have lots going on in my life (especially in this video) and sometimes it can be overwhelming to plan and makes meals consistently. Emeals is a tool …

29 replies
  1. Peg D
    Peg D says:

    Just spray febreze on your counter towards the back of them and you won’t have ants. Ants 🐜 don’t like febreze! You do need to switch your washer door and make your life a little easier. Thank you for sharing

  2. joanna lorenzo
    joanna lorenzo says:

    One thing i have to tell you is to avoid putting your kids on camera. There is a YouTuber who found out a bulk of her audience was a whole bunch of dirty old men who were watching her content because of the kids. Please be careful and screen who your babies are being exposed to. We could all watch it without the babies being on camera we love your channel.

  3. Nicole Tierheimer
    Nicole Tierheimer says:

    Love watching your videos! My only child is in college, and now I have to do all the chores and work a full time middle school teaching job. Weekends I also do the shopping pick up as well as all chores. Ahhhh!!!!

  4. TwinkleToes
    TwinkleToes says:

    I don't understand why USA ladies wash dishes before putting into the dishwasher?? If you scrape all food off the plates you don't need to wash them first, it actually makes the dishwater less efficient if you wash it all first. Can someone explain why you do that? Any food that gets missed will be caught in the filter which you pull out and clean. then you can fill as you go so no sink full of dirty dishes builing up and set it off when full.

  5. Sarah Rodgers
    Sarah Rodgers says:

    When you were doing your laundry all I could think was “That door is in the waaay!” I don’t know if everyone knows this but you can move the door of a front loading machine to the other side! Also, your skin looks flawless! I’d love an updated skincare routine!!

  6. Carla Morris
    Carla Morris says:

    I have been using EMeals for two years. It is a game changer! I look forward to watching more of your fall desserts. I plan to make a couple from the previous one. Yay Fall is almost here!

  7. Rachel3815
    Rachel3815 says:

    I love your videos. They are so motivational and super relatable. The fact that you have a normal full time job and get everything done and manage to put up videos is inspiring. 💜


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