Easy InstantPot Brown Rice (Vegan, Oil Free)

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We go through a lot rice in our house, and being able to make it in a hurry is definitely a plus. That is one reason why we decided to get rid of our rice cooker …

7 replies
  1. Readings By Ladean
    Readings By Ladean says:

    Got an Instant pot for Christmas, but haven't used it yet since we are in the process of moving and I didn't want to unpack it. But my on the stove brown rice and rice cooker brown rice never comes out fluffy. I hope it's better in my Instant pot.

  2. jesus mora
    jesus mora says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>>ur2.pl/1052 I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  3. Curtis Walker
    Curtis Walker says:

    Before you put the rice in the Instant Pot, did you soak it? rinse it? Did you do anything to lower the arsenic content before cooking it? If not, is that because you are not concerned about the amount of arsenic in rice, or because you have been eating it this way for a long time and have not had any abnormal blood tests for arsenic?


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