Easy Instant Pot Recipe for Everyday Moms

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

My mom, Sharon Ramsey, joins me to do a new spin on a classic crockpot recipe of hers and she tries to teach me a few new kitchen tricks in the process!

43 replies
  1. GreenMama93
    GreenMama93 says:

    This was SO fun! And an Instant Pot is a fantastic investment. If you forget to take meat out of the freezer it can be cooked from frozen in it! Chicken breasts take 40 or so minutes from frozen and are tender and yummy! So no excuses to eat out because you forgot to thaw meat. I️ think this could be the start of a great series Rachel!!

  2. Margaret Strickland
    Margaret Strickland says:

    Some people dream of having a great momma who takes her time to explain things…Happy Mother's Day to you both. I love how one of you is the instant version of the other 🙂 Thank you for sharing this video xo

  3. Sarah Grace
    Sarah Grace says:

    Rachel! Let your mother be herself! Not everyone wants to do things "insta quick". I myself appreciate a quality meal. She's great for gardening & taking the time to prepare a good meal, that's what good homemakers do! 🙂

    God bless you!


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