Easy Homemade Artisan Bread For Fasting

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24 replies
  1. Angela Q
    Angela Q says:

    In the making of this bread I added walnut , pine nuts and Flax seeds. I’m gonna try the Bread and water fast for fridays. Can I still have my coffee in the morning even if I try the bread and water fast ?

  2. luisa j bell
    luisa j bell says:

    Wow,,,,,Chef Alvaro what at beautifull artisan bread. Now I am a baker by love and profesion and I can tell baking is a science and we have to have the right amounts, right ingredients, right tempetures. 110f is the best tempeture to add the yeast, if it is to hot it will kill the yeast…..THIS IS AND OWESOME VIDEO OF YOU SHARING THIS BREAD RECIPE…..AND WILL USE IT FOR LENT……

    DEUSVULT says:

    My wife bought a dutch oven like that a few months ago. The big black iron one is getting too heavy to manage. That bread looks amazing…I'm going to show her this video!

  4. E.M. Cain
    E.M. Cain says:

    I've been making bread for a couple of years and there is something very calming and satisfying about making your own. I started making my.own when I noticed almost a chemical like smell. It didn't matter which brand.
    If anyone is interested..this is my favorite…adding poultry seasoning or Bell Seasoning to the bread mixture..not only is it great for Turkey sandwiches as it tastes like stuffing…it makes great stuffing…and your house smells
    "amazing"like a Thanksgiving morning!!!

  5. lisalisaandthecoolgem
    lisalisaandthecoolgem says:

    Oh my, I just made this bread when we had a big snow storm… It is the same recipe and I baked it in a Dutch oven too! It came out incredible and gorgeous looking! I’ve made bread when I was younger. This is the easiest way to make beautiful, delicious bread. I actually forgot where I got the recipe, so I’m so happy you posted the same one!! 🥰🤗🙏 thanks!!

  6. Joann Hacker
    Joann Hacker says:

    It looks tempting. I love the Medjugorje fast which is bread and water on Wednesday and Fridays. The only problem was I found myself eating too much bread. I had to switch to water only. I would probably eat this whole loaf by myself, it looks delicious!


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