Easy Garlic Parmesan Risotto | The BEST Creamy Risotto Recipe

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You have to try the best garlic parmesan risotto! This recipe is creamy, filled with cheesy garlic flavor and really simple to make.

18 replies
  1. @morpheoist
    @morpheoist says:

    as an Italian I approve the recipe.😋
    I actually brown the onion, garlic and rice a lot before pouring in some white wine or white rum…
    and I put much much more parmesan 😂
    in my opinion the best cheese for a risotto remains Saint Augur, with fresh thyme.
    risotto to be cooked in vegetable broth so as not to cover the flavors of the cheese.

  2. @1234567895182
    @1234567895182 says:

    Idk why people cant just be honest. Its going to take closer to 35-40 minutes to cook this rice guys. I remember trying to cook this and the rice wasnt getting soft in the time the recipe called for (20 minutes). A bit of googling told me it usually takes rwice that time, so dont ve discouraged if your rice is not getting soft. Just keep cooking it slowly snd stirring often.

    Also if you find your rice comes out too thick or is not getting hard, try adding more water/stock. I usually do about 1 cup rice to 3 cups stock. I slowly add in 2 cups of stock. Once the rice is nice and soft to my liking, I add in the last cup of stock and whip it smooth.

  3. @shirleyw.6783
    @shirleyw.6783 says:

    I had this recently in Italy with fesh Sage and it was very delicious. The menu had the same ingredients as this vid except it used Sage as topping served with Fried Perch filets 😋


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