Easy fermented green bean recipe with dill

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More cooking content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3AxcPtjeKE&list=PLNFzzwXoBqo9rRtXXzXUcET10Smwi0vBF.

15 replies
  1. J. M.
    J. M. says:

    What the heck was that fancy lid. Went by too fast for me to catch it! Also, how long do they need to sit before they are ready. Refrigerate?? Thanks, this looks tasty.!!!

  2. Katie Taylor
    Katie Taylor says:

    "If you grow too many beans" "which I think all of us can relate to" ;-; poison ivy took over my bean patch.

    but it's alright, I'll try again next year. Not this year, cos I have to clear out a different space to grow the beans and its too hot to do that now. But the poison ivy is being beaten back at least. I just don't want to plant anything I intend to eat near it cos it will come back eventually.

  3. Terry Jo
    Terry Jo says:

    Would make a nice companion snack to the Bloody Mary deviled eggs or garnish for a Bloody Mary. Too bad my green beans are flowering but not producing fruit. 😞


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