EASY FAMILY DINNER IDEAS | WHAT’S FOR DINNER? #301 | 7 Real Life Family Meal Ideas

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Hey friends, I hope you’ve all had a great week. We tried some new recipes this week that were good, and I also shared some …

39 replies
  1. Melanie Ramon
    Melanie Ramon says:

    12:33 Im sitting here thinking, why is that mincer a pain in the ass to me. I love using a zester/microplane. Then u bring one out for the ginger. Arrrghh. What are you doing to meee. 😄 but seriously next time try grater for garlic?? Unless u have and dont like it.

  2. Cori Trujillo
    Cori Trujillo says:

    Hey Taylor I absolutely love your videos!!! You don’t even know how many times you have helped me come up with a meal plan!!! I am making the meatloaf recipe tonight!!! Can’t wait to eat it!!! Thanks friend!!!❤

  3. Lisa Beierling
    Lisa Beierling says:

    One little tip on meatloaf, I use the crust ends of a loaf of bread to put on top while it’s baking. It soaks up most of the extra oil, then just remove and toss them before adding the sauce on top.

  4. LaVerne Jones
    LaVerne Jones says:

    Hi Taylor. I really enjoyed this video. I really want to try the Korean sticky chicken. I have a favorite meatloaf recipe that I always use too, but there’s a couple that I have tried that are delicious. There’s an Asian one and also a Mexican one that’s really good. Thanks for sharing as always. 😊💜

  5. Still Single Stephanie
    Still Single Stephanie says:

    Anytime my dad made something like meatloaf that you mix with your hands he’d say the secret ingredient is the dirt under your fingernails and that is what I think of anytime I mix something with my hands 😂 Everything looks delicious 😊


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