Easy Dutch Oven Pot Roast Recipe

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Need a beefy “comfort food” kind of meal? Make this EASY POT ROAST recipe. You’ll need an English roast (chuck roast), onions, …

39 replies
  1. Jackson
    Jackson says:

    To tenderize any type of I use an old type pressure cooker. Put the meat in with couple cut coarsely chopped onions. Cook about 45 or so mins. Need a spoon to take out of pot. It takes someone with experience in using a pressure cooker. They can be dangerous. But no better results.

  2. paul ducharme
    paul ducharme says:

    A Dutch oven is almost exactly the same as a crock pot, simply take the crockery pot out of the electric kettle and use it in your oven instead.
    Crock pots tend to merely steam foods, not roast them, even with the lid off they simply don't roast meat, but merely boil it.
    This is for those people who didn't know they probably already have a Dutch oven.
    A pot roast should never to be confused with an electric crock potted one. (even if you like them).

  3. campguy
    campguy says:

    I going to try this with a "camp" style dutch oven and real charcoal…….even though I have the enameled type (and love to cook in it) I just like to get outside and make fires. Harder to control the temp, but I think I can get by with six or eight coals on the bottom and a ring of charcoal on top……….my Lodge number 10 should be just the right size.

  4. 1SaG
    1SaG says:

    Not sure I'll be able to find a butcher who sells chuck roasts in my country (not a common cut over here). What other cuts could I substitute and expect similar results?

  5. Bert Bredewoud
    Bert Bredewoud says:

    There is nothing dutch about this meal. When i was a kid, and that is a long time ago, my grandmother and mother did it totaly different. We use real butter and we never heard of black angus beef. And whe did'nt use a oven. We used a 'sudderplaat' (simmering plate) and let it very slowly cooking for 3 to 4 hours. We eat it with patatoes and red cabagge. THAT is dutch 🙂

  6. xadam2dudex
    xadam2dudex says:

    Never use vegetable oil or other processed oils like canola oil they are poison to the body .. Use olive, coconut, lard or bacon fat .. To avoid turning off the stove you should use the mise en place method .. A cup of red wine added before the roast goes back in is a good favor addition

  7. Merienne Lynch
    Merienne Lynch says:

    That looks delicious but unfortunately a waste with all those drippings just begging for potatoes and carrotes etc. to be cooked in. Then when done in those delicious juices I return the pot roast on the top of them for a little bit of time. THEN to me that is a pot roast because to me it is not all about the meat. But you have a delicious recipe for everyone to enjoy it their way. Thank you.


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