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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

20 replies
  1. H LeMier
    H LeMier says:

    Goid Thursday night! Im so sorry for you and your family! You got this im still praying for you guys! I knks groceries are ridiculous and expensive. We are on a budget also. No extra spending for us. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family!❤❤❤

  2. Karolina Williams
    Karolina Williams says:

    Don't feel stressed out. My doughter is lactose free since she was 9 months old now she is 4 years old and doing great but everything lactose free for her. There are so many choices with yogurt, sowercream, milk, and cheese . No worries, she is fine without lactose .

  3. Robet Peery
    Robet Peery says:

    Those philly cheesesteaks looks delicious. thanks for the video and have a great day friend. And I wish I could help you figure out what your baby girl sickness is and why dairy makes her sick it breaks my heart to know that I will Pray for you and have faith that you figure it out.

  4. Jessalyn 1980
    Jessalyn 1980 says:

    My husband is unable to digest the lactose sugar in dairy. Hence why he drinks lactose free milk. And takes a lactose pill when he consumes other dairy. He’s ok with butter, however he just said that he usually cooks with butter so the sugar is being cooked out. The lactaid pill he takes gives him the lactase enzyme to breakdown the lactose sugar in the dairy he eats. He’s been dealing with this for 40 years. He said as a kid it was so painful: bloating, cramps, diarrhea, a lot of gas pain. And that’s what happens currently too.

  5. Cheryl H
    Cheryl H says:

    I am overwhelmed for you. I just have to feed myself, with dietary issues, and I dread trying to figure out dinner. That sweet Layla has everyone stumped. I was thinking lactose intolerance, but there is no lactose in butter and cream and hard cheese and yogurt have trace amounts of lactose…so it can't be the lactose….must be milk protein, but she tolerates the lactose free milk???? Girl I can only imagine your struggles and thoughts over this. I think you are doing a great job and something will come to light soon. Love you and your sweet family.

  6. Ann Roberts
    Ann Roberts says:

    Did you get your results on the celiac tests?
    It’s so frustrating and heartbreaking. My 9 year old began being dairy intolerant at 8 weeks old. She couldn’t do any dairy until 2 even the lactose free. Sometimes she could but mostly not. She also developed a gluten intolerance I think due to her gut lining being inflamed like your doctor said. It’s a hard road. I already deal with it with myself but it’s harder when it’s your kiddo. Prayers for peace

  7. Theresa Kemp
    Theresa Kemp says:

    Hi Tiffany….may I give you some words that will help?…you're a woman of God…words have power because the Bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue so when your feeling stressed fight against saying that you're stressed and use prayer as your weapon…the word of God in prayer will destroy anything that the enemy uses in our daily lives to make us stressed. When you begin to speak positively even in a negative situation I guarantee you'll get through it and change the outcome. God bless you and your beautiful family and don't worry God is in control and He has already answered your prayers, just believe it❤❤❤

  8. tiffany c
    tiffany c says:

    We have been through the same situation with both of our children. They can have lactose free milk, but anything else with milk causes breakout rashes and major stomach issues. Real butter was the worst. We resorted to making homemade nut milks in order to substitute due to ingredients in store bought nut milks. Good luck momma, it’ll get better. Positive vibes from Oklahoma ❤


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