Easy Dairy Free Yogurt in Your Instant Pot!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Update 2! Since I made this video, I’ve learned it is a good idea to close your vent to keep the temperature in the IP constant. I had perfect success making yogurt …

35 replies
  1. Barbara Rakoczy
    Barbara Rakoczy says:

    I have successfully used your method in my instapot to. make my soy yogurt. I am using the wes soy also. The last two batches have failed. Could it be a bad batch of probiotic?

  2. 69wiske
    69wiske says:

    Hi, I'm a new subscriber. I thought you need to heat up the milk to a certain exact heat before you put the starter in. Is that not necessary with the IP?

    IAM REAL says:

    I thought you have to heat to 180 then add probiotic at 107 degrees and then into the Instapot. That is how I have always done it successfully but your way is much easier and less pots, no pots.

  4. Ingrid Scott
    Ingrid Scott says:

    Thank you very much for this video. I had made soy yogurt before but with only 1 capsule of my probiotic and 1 quart of soy milk, it always came out much thinner and very tart (14 hours). So now I have made "your" recipe but only with 1 quart of org. Eden Soy Milk and 3 of the Solgar Probiotics which I had purchased when I saw your video. What a difference!! The yogurt is firm and very mild (I reduced the time to 10 hours) and tastes great. I am almost finished with my second batch. I missed good yogurt so much! Thanks again. 🙂

  5. Jean Yee
    Jean Yee says:

    Hi, I made the soy yogurt in my dehydrator and it worked!! The does the soy yogurt taste a lot different than dairy yogurt? I was surprised at the taste at the soy yogurt it had a vinegar taste to it. Did I do something wrong? I followed your directions. Please advise. Thank you, jean

  6. Paul Meyers
    Paul Meyers says:

    Nicely done video. You've answered questions I had about plant based yogurt I've been wondering about. I've just recently discovered how to make cow milk yogurt but am not entirely comfortable with using animal milk. Now I have an option! (Insert smiley face here)

  7. ༒•Nessa Rossini•༒
    ༒•Nessa Rossini•༒ says:

    This looks like beautiful yogurt. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to attempt my first batch of soy yogurt in a yogurt maker that I have. I'm using Bulgarian culture. I hope it turns out thick and rich as yours. New subscriber. 🙂

  8. artistmama1
    artistmama1 says:

    I am surprised you didn't have to heat the soymilk to 180 degrees F to denature the proteins, then let it cool down to 85 degrees before adding the culture. I thought that had to happen before adding the culture.

  9. Connie Lacelle
    Connie Lacelle says:

    Everyone uses mason jars to make yogurt in the IP. Couldn't I just use jam or salsa jars from the store instead? Also, I understand that soy is the only non-dairy milk that thickens by itself so I need a thickener because we don't like soy. I've heard of using chia and I'm wondering if I could mix in the chia BEFORE culturing the yogurt or does it have to go in AFTER? Thank you. I love your style!

  10. Norma Teen
    Norma Teen says:

    I have made this 3 times now but to no avail..each time it comes out looking like cottage cheese…very disappointed…I have used the same milk same probiotics same size containers everything identical to the video…Do you have any suggestions!!

  11. Norma Teen
    Norma Teen says:

    Hi Danielle..Just received my Instant pot yesterday..2 questions…Do I put rack in bottom and place jars on top…also do I add water to pot…I have stores probiotics in refrigerator ..is this ok or not?…Excellent video!

  12. Norma Teen
    Norma Teen says:

    I sent you an email re Lebni…Did not release that I could comment here…You may answer my question here Danielle if it is more convenient..Thanks ..Norma Teen


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