Easy Crustless Spinach Quiche

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This Crustless Spinach Quiche is easy to make and full of delicious flavor! You’ll love the combination of spinach, sweet onion, …

47 replies
  1. Redda Stuhr
    Redda Stuhr says:

    I never made a quiche or even ate one. I made this today. I was sooo amazed of how good it was! I made it just like the recipe but I didn't have mushrooms. So I used bacon instead. I had the quiche with buttered toast. This recipe is soooo tasty, it's really a keeper!
    Thank you for sharing your recipe!!

  2. Meryl Dorey
    Meryl Dorey says:

    I made this the other morning and it was fantastic! I used baby spinach (because that's what I had) and it came already washed so I just dumped it in to wilt. Cooked perfectly and was gobbled up. My daughter said I couldn't call it a quiche because there was no crust. I told her it's a free country and I could call it whatever I want 🙂 And that was the name so there! Thanks for the recipe.

  3. MermaidTales
    MermaidTales says:

    Great vid – been making this exact recipe for years – only difference is I add tub of cottage cheese, so only 2 eggs are required. Holds together beautifully!

  4. Anne Cornellier
    Anne Cornellier says:

    As usual, your recipes are absolutely incredible! I’ve never had to change a thing and it all turns out great. Thank you for all you do to help us prepare and enjoy delicious food.

  5. Gillian Lai
    Gillian Lai says:

    I tried your recipe and I love it!!! The only thing I changed was using fresh spinach rather than frozen. The quiche turns out a little watery…is it because of the spinach or baking time. Overall I am satisfied for 1st time baking quiche. Easy to follow recipe

  6. Mags Nash
    Mags Nash says:

    Thank you so much I really really enjoyed watching you creating this amazing and delicious quiche. I’m going to try this out and share the recipe too. I’ve subscribed and given you a thumb’s up too. Please stay safe and well too


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