Easy & BUDGET-FRIENDLY Christmas Brunch Ideas | The Best Holiday Frugal Meals | Cheap & Easy Recipes

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BUDGET- FRIENDLY Christmas Brunch Ideas | The Best Holiday Brunch ideas | Cheap & Easy Recipes Hello all my fellow …

12 replies
  1. karina sulger
    karina sulger says:

    yummy!!! the pin wheels had me !!! but when it comes to the W sauce , we always called it '' wheres your sister sauce '' …lol ty for sharing these incredible meas with us all!!!! and those kiddo's are so sweet!!!! loved their reactions !!! cracked me up !!

  2. Kyla Luv
    Kyla Luv says:

    Not sure if this will work for you but I raised an autistic kid who is extremely picky. I could list off everything she aye on one hand.
    What I did was make sure at every meal at least one item she will eat is on the table.
    Then the rule was everyone had to take 1 bite of everything healthy on the table, so I never forced her to try hotdogs, then you could eat whatever you wanted.
    I even hate to take a bite of stuff I hate. And the kids giggled at my face expressions. But that was the rule.
    It took a long time but mow she eats about 6 vegetables and about 20 or so different things. She also willingly tries things on her own.
    This girl downs sushi, something I never thought she would eat.
    It took about 5 years but she loves broccoli.
    At first I let just liking it slide, then I expect at least a nibble. Once she was old enough she had to rake a real bite.
    Not sure us that will work for your family, but it helped my kid.
    Good luck!


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