Easy and Healthy Instant Pot SHORTRIBS!

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PERFECT YOUR HEALTH https://frank-tufano.com Grass Fed Meats https://frankiesfreerangemeat.com/ High Quality Foods https://frankiesfreerangefoods.com/

34 replies
  1. Bladerunner2043
    Bladerunner2043 says:

    The carbs make no sense and do harm your system. All in all carbs are sugar, glucose, nothin more. You were an carnivore, at least you should have gone keto. Check the Randle Cycle. You are not doing good with the carbs for your general health (insulin resistance, inflammation of inner laying of blood vessels).

  2. thegymsoldier
    thegymsoldier says:

    My parents are keeping a router in the livingrooms because the cables are to be connected there and they dont know any other place in the house to put the router. Yesterday i was downstairs the whole day and i had CRAZY insomnia at night it took 2 hours to fall asleep and i woke up a couple times that night too. I think the EMF is destroying our health and i told them but they seem not to care about it or they think its a myth because they are microwaving food still too. Is there a way to block out the EMF coming from the router or should i find a way to place it in another room

  3. Pavel Pulukchu
    Pavel Pulukchu says:

    i was watching paul saladino on his channel and i almost confused it for your channel..i wonder why.

    As soon as he started talking about his evolutionary nonsense is when i realized him for who he is. He mentioned the hadza tribe which he apparently spent time with but they were eating a money..lol..he proceeded to eat grass fed beef. There is a God who made man intelligent and gave him instructions on what to eat in the worlds best seller called the bible. We didnt descend from hadza-like people, on the contrary people deviated from truth to the point of savagry. The concept of entropy is a scientific fact.


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