Easy and delicious Instant pot chicken rice soup

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Easy and delicious Instant pot Chicken Rice Soup! Follow me on IG: christy_l_kitchen.

12 replies
  1. çağrı canca
    çağrı canca says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE my instant pot!>>>ur2.pl/1046 It is definitely not a necessity for everyone, but it has certainly made my life easier. I think the 8 quart version we got is maybe a little large for most people's needs, but I really appreciate the versatility of being able to put a larger quantity into the pot – it's made dishes like stir-fry and rice possible to cook at the same time. If you're on the fence about what size to get, or if you should get one at all, I would say go for it!

  2. iiAMnina
    iiAMnina says:

    Idk why you would do this in an IP, seems like it would be easier in a pot on the stove… way too much work for chicken and rice soup. Also I would have taken the skin off before boiling the chicken so you don’t have to deal w/ all that oil and straining it.. or just use boneless skinless chicken breasts/thighs.


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