Easy and Delicious Chicken CAKE | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Hello There Friends, Today I will show you how to make my Delicious Chicken CAKE! This is not like any “cake” you are imagining …

29 replies
  1. Richie Dee
    Richie Dee says:

    I am an alumni of the Culinary Institute of America, class of 1971, when it was in New Haven CT, I have cooked in 23 different restaurants over a 30 yr cooking span, going from McDonald's to Catering Companys, to 3 Sheraton Hotels, to Head Chef of the San Diego Play Boy Club, and thought I knew all the tricks, but I lean something new every time I watch one of your videos, wish you were one the Chef instructors I back at the Institute would have saved me a lot of time learning in the field, so thank you for all the new tips, a little late but not your fault!
    Rich D

  2. Mr Myth
    Mr Myth says:

    Keep talking! It’s one of the things I love about your videos as it makes it more entertaining.

    I’m 69 and still struggle with English. You’re doing fine…keep on keeping on.

  3. henry schumacher
    henry schumacher says:

    You could make a chicken meatloaf with this,I think,and use different sauces for toppings especially if you did the European version, just thinking out loud. You know when you tasted it , the look on your face, is one I get when I make something and think omg I that’s amazing and I cooked it , and that’s after cooking for years and I’m still amazed that I cooked something amazingly wonderful. I just thought that, I made herbed white bean and sausage stew.

  4. Lynnette's Politics
    Lynnette's Politics says:

    Friends, I want to encourage you to spend the $100 for a meat grinder, even if you only use it 6-7 times a year, you'll wonder how you got along without it. I recently found some type of roast for $2.50 lb, so finding that too boring for words I bought 2 and took it home and ground it up into hamburger. Garlic within an inch of its life, salt like crazy, and you have steak burgers to die for! And since pork is still affordable, making your own sausage is superfun!


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