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Need some easy and healthy air fryer recipes? Check out these 3 simple options to meal prep for you and your family! Meal prep …

8 replies
  1. Cheryl Pugh
    Cheryl Pugh says:

    Something I found kinda cool the other day. I bought steak fries and when I flipped it over to read the directions, they offered two ways, one was oven the other was Air Fryer! Obviously Air Fryer cooking has become very popular.

  2. norma smith
    norma smith says:

    Nice air fryer ideas always glad to see you all doing okay missing alley missed u all loving all ur budget friendly meals ur still doing a fantastic job on your channel keep up all the great work and things ur doing on ur channel take care Jam jam hello to u and all the family In God we trust God blesses us all!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. TeNice Xoxo
    TeNice Xoxo says:

    I've done a whole chicken in my air fryer (I have the same brand you do but mine is a bit larger). I love it, it's done in a little over an hour and comes out great everytime

  4. Kimberly Baker
    Kimberly Baker says:

    I have an air fryer but I bought it from someone on Facebook Marketplace and haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work even tho it was new. Perhaps it doesn't work or it's user error and I need help learning to use it. I really want to use it because I stopped using my oven because it makes my apartment so excruciating HOT 🥵🔥🥵🔥
    I love the air fryer and instant pot recipes because I got one of those as well and am learning about it as well


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