EASIEST Vegetarian Dinner | GOLDEN POTATOES | Lazy Ovo Lacto Vegetarian Recipe

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Today I’m showing you the EASIEST Vegetarian Dinner, it’s called golden potatoes and I used to have them all the time when I …

7 replies
  1. John Shields Cooking Channel
    John Shields Cooking Channel says:

    There is a huge range of vegetarian sausages in New Zealand (about 20 different varieties of both soya and plant based) So I cant wait to try this….perhaps a smaller amount haha. Thanks for sharing Sofia and glad to hear you're getting better.

  2. Yawning Groundhog
    Yawning Groundhog says:

    Sorry to hear about your condition, hope you get better soon!
    Also, I see you've got a Patreon page set up. I wonder if you considered adding some more tiers (like 1 or 2 dollars/euro)? That way more people could support you, even if they'd donate a lower amount 🙂

  3. Paul Shinn
    Paul Shinn says:

    Sorry to here about your hips. Those vegan hot dogs are ones I have never seen before. The ones here in the states come from a can and taste just barely edible. They only work with chili to mask the taste. Gonna try this and see how they taste this way. Thank you!


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