Drunken Noodles (No Oyster Sauce!) Vegan Recipe!

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We LOVE this Drunken Noodle Recipe – It’s Vegan . Oh yea, and most important amazingly delicious! We shop at a local asian market/grocery store for the …

9 replies
  1. Sue Perez
    Sue Perez says:

    This looks delicious. I love Thai food, but have a total fail when I made Pad Thai one day 🥺 I can't wait to try this. This was posted before I was a subscriber. You just mentioned this video today on your Aldi haul. So glad you did… I'll be making this soon.

  2. Kathy Lezcano
    Kathy Lezcano says:

    That looks delicious I’m going to try that my whole family will love it and it’s a good vegetarian meal to you’re awesome I just enjoy watching your videos have a blessed day

  3. TAYYABA Shahid
    TAYYABA Shahid says:

    you've got some awesome stuff there, I'm cooking myself and know it takes alot of passion and effort to make food, so hang in there. Would very much appreciate it if you could take a look at my channel,and maybe consider subscribing me ☺️


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