Drunk Driver Kills YouTube Creator UPDATE VIDEO / The Kneady Homesteader

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Drunk Driver Kills YouTube Creator. The driver was driving drunk! The driver also has several other charges against him now. Update video. YouTube Creator …

41 replies
  1. Raymond Shepherd
    Raymond Shepherd says:

    In 1995 there was a head-on collision where my brother was killed instantly by a drunk driver. This was his first offense and all he got was 18 months. There is no strong enough penalty for anybody who gets behind the wheel intoxicated and killing somebody. To me when you do something like that you're driving a loaded weapon so therefore my brother wasn't the way I see it he wasn't killed he was murdered somebody had him loaded weapon and you know what it's 25 years later and I miss my brother now more than anything. My brother was fairly well known and at his funeral we didn't really know how well he was known until about 1,000 people showed up that's what it looked like anyways but still something needs to be done with justice system here in Canada and everywhere else when it comes to people being intoxicated and driving drunk it needs to be done and it needs to be done now. I understand what this family is going through because I've been through it myself as well as my Mom and Dad. Although mom and dad are not with us anymore but they're renew with my brother in heaven. I will keep this family in my prayers and Hope but the justice system does not disappoint with regards to this tragedy. All the love and prayers that I can give, Raymond.

  2. Genny L
    Genny L says:

    This is a Coast to Coast topic that needs new laws!!! My Uncle was hit & killed by a repeat D.D. who got a slap, got out & did it again. I loved my Papa dearly but no way I'd get in a car with him ( or anyone who had so much as a sip). I got 2 feet and a Visa card. That man is a waste of human DNA and anyone who gets in a vehicle with a drunk is playing a game of Darwinism.

  3. C
    C says:

    What’s even worse is if he has no license he has apparently been caught before, they took his license away and he still got out and drove. If he was 4X the legal limit that means if there were 4 of him they’d all have been drunk. I, too, have listened to her video and I wept. It takes my breath away that people can be so inconsiderate and thoughtless. I can only pray she completely recovers—at least physically—and ghat God will mend her heart from this tragedy!

  4. Pamela P
    Pamela P says:

    I follow this lady…The Kneady Homesteader… This situation is sickening. On EVERY LEVEL!!! He deserves to pay forever. This family is forever changed!

  5. Laura B
    Laura B says:

    I understand your anger. More than 30 years ago my brother and the young man who was driving with him were both killed by a drunk driver in Texas. That driver got 20 years that he was allowed to serve consecutively, but he was released on good conduct after only 7 years in prison. Destroying two lives and affecting families forever and only serving seven years? It is astounding that all the publicity and punishments that drunk driving is still destroying peoples lives and families even now. I highly encourage you to channel your anger to volunteering in so way to help MADD. My parents served for many years on their local chapter and it was very helpful and healing for them through their journey of grief.

  6. Kristina Tidwell
    Kristina Tidwell says:

    I've been in a head on collision when a teenager ran a red light. I was in the middle of a left hand turn, it was at THE ONLY light in a town with population of 3,000 people. It totaled my van, with 30k miles on it.

    I will try to connect with the wife of Kneady Homesteader, but fyi I made the 21 drinking laws be enforced in Texas. If you've heard the phrase Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk my lawsuit was renamed in 1990 by US ad council. I've worked with TABC, MADD & NTSB to get this done. There's an illness that's usually not diagnosed therefore its not treated… so where did he get the alcohol? If it's a bar? Wouldn't surprise me. Most are part of a franchise which means the owners don't live there.

    In my lawsuit the bar was in Austin TX and worst in the state for underage drinking but I tried to stop DWI mortality in Texas. Now I have a book deal with possible movie deal too. I forgot to tell you the owners? All 3 of them owned horses in the KY derby but they lived FT in Louisana. They didn't live in Texas!

  7. Michelle Miller
    Michelle Miller says:

    I really hope that people that aren't actually friends with the kneaedy homesteader are not trying to profit off of it cuz karma is a b** and hopefully all proceeds are really going to her GoFundMe page as stated. And that goes along with anybody else that's out here making statements about the situation as well.

  8. Margaret Garrett
    Margaret Garrett says:

    I feel just horrible for this family too and I didnt really watch their videos much before, but I will now. You just keep doing what you are ed to do and don't worry about nasty comments trust in God!

  9. Melinda Banning
    Melinda Banning says:

    Thank you for posting an update. It is so very sad that two families are being impacted by the action of this one man. I am very angry that he choice to drive but I am also sad for this man. His family as well needs our prayers.

  10. Owen
    Owen says:

    This is so sad for the family I cannot ever understand how any one can do this and even sadder this person probably wont get jail time 🙂 I have been watching her videos:) Prayers continue for Heather and her family:)

  11. Annmarie Hesterlee
    Annmarie Hesterlee says:

    I am a probation officer. I was hit by a drunk driver in 1998. I still have issues with pain daily. I see people that continue to drive long after their licenses were taken… If you have no valid license you can't get insurance. As long as they are drinking/stuck in their addiction they are not thinking about consequences.

  12. Carol Crudder
    Carol Crudder says:

    The thing about this whole tragedy is that this man should have NEVER been allowed to leave where he was drinking. Heather is going to need months and months of rehab and this jackass (I’m trying to be very Nice here) can’t even be held accountable monetary wise because he had no car insurance!! He goes on with his life to drink again. I hope to God he doesn’t kill anyone else!

  13. Yvonne B
    Yvonne B says:

    Hi, I am friends with this family on YouTube, it is really sad, he needs putting in prison for a very long time.And it was on valentine's Day the husband had took them all out for a Valentine's Day meal. The two children were injured and the Mum was injured terribly. They can't let this evil man get away with this.xx

  14. Michele J
    Michele J says:

    No license, no insurance…is he a US citizen? He deserves to be put under the jail. God bless this family and give them strength. Let’s not forget them in the years to come.

  15. Dana Legris
    Dana Legris says:

    Thank you for bringing attention to the Kneady Homesteader cause. It is so sad that we have to hear over and over again about people being killed or injured by drunk drivers. Our country has to find a way to put an end to this behavior. Obviously, losing a license does not stop someone stupid enough drink and drive. Like a previous commenter said, it should be a one and done situation. Unfortunately, this goes on all over the world, every day. How many more lives have to end because someone decided to drink and then drive?

  16. denise
    denise says:

    The last thing that Heather needs to be worried about is why is this man walking around free to hurt someone else. We need to find out why this travesty is aloud to happen and take a good hard look at our government and the changes that need to take place. Thank you for posting this again to remind us there is a lot of work to be done here.

  17. Tamara Roberts
    Tamara Roberts says:

    Such a terrible tragedy 😢 still praying for Heather and the children and all their loved ones. My heart breaks for them 💔 I'm sure God will deal with the drunk driver either here or in the afterlife, but I pray he's locked away so he can't hurt or destroy anyone else's life. This devastated family needs strength from God to get through and overcome 🙏

  18. kimberly nance
    kimberly nance says:

    I don’t understand- why did he have to turn himself in? Why wasn’t he arrested on the spot? Was he there at the scene when it happened and given blood alcohol tests? It just seems strange that he turned himself in instead of him being arrested. Idk. I surely hope he’s taken off the streets forever.

  19. Dolly Lang
    Dolly Lang says:

    I've been letting Heather's video's run 24/7 for weeks now. I also donated, but can't help but wonder if I donated to the right Go fund me page. I was also in an accident, and you're right, those crash noises can haunt you forever.

  20. In a Pickle
    In a Pickle says:

    Don't let someone you know drive under the influence. Stop them if you can't, call the authorities and report them. Don't let them steal another person's Happily Ever After! Everyone affected is in my prayers. Blessings ❣️❣️


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