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Yum what a combo.

17 replies
  1. Gia Afshar
    Gia Afshar says:

    high having friends over for drinks a dinner and talking about all getting a multiplex together when we’re old. im happy single without kids, but having fears of aging alone as im the youngest in the family plus one nephew. low feeling sad that my dog well pass away in maybe ten years.

  2. E. S.
    E. S. says:

    Thank you for keeping me company while I engage in routine tasks and responsibilities of drudgery here in California. Enjoying your channel very much…from the beginning.

  3. N. M.
    N. M. says:

    June, it is beautiful that you want to make the world a better place and struggle with finding best ways to do it. A favorite motto you can find on some old sundials is, “Dum Tempus Habemus, Operemur Bonum” (while there is yet time, let us do good). I think it is based on Bible/Galatians “let us not weary of doing good..”. It is hard, though, to know best way. Yet always try to do good, even if you personally do not get the feel good rewards. For I do believe Edmund Burke was right when he said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  4. That Crazy Life with the DeVore Wild Fam
    That Crazy Life with the DeVore Wild Fam says:

    The low in my week is juggling all of my kids different therapy appointments. I have 6 kids with special needs and it’s autism, adhd, ptsd, BPD, learning disabilities and sensory issues ages ranging from 16 to 7. I feel very overwhelmed and this past week has been especially stressful because we’ve had behaviors escalate. My high is that my husband took a few days off for my birthday at the end of the month and he surprised me with tickets to see John Mayer and 2 nights away! His moms coming to stay with my kids. I can’t wait. I love my kids so much but I need a break. Love your channel 🥰

  5. Lolacita 1979
    Lolacita 1979 says:

    June I made the pork belly and potatoes that you made to honour your Grandfather. It was a HUGE hit in my house and will be going into the rotation for special occasion meals.

  6. Alice Adler
    Alice Adler says:

    Hey June!!! Do Japanese sweet potatoes taste different from American Southern sweet potatoes??? (Alabama-type southern). Very nice cleaver!!! Never mind — you answered question about sweet potato!!! Sorry!!! Hello Fred!!! 😸😸😸. Please tell me the brand name of tea you were talking about (cornflower & chamomile — it sounded like you said Harney ???). Thanks!!!


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