Don't Waste Food – Rising Food Prices #pasta #quiche #sausagecasserole Three Frugal Recipes #frugal

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I cook from my almost bare cupboard three delicious dishes. Sausage Casserole, Pasta with bacon, spinach & mushroom and a …

50 replies
  1. Dee
    Dee says:

    Thank you for this video Jane! We have finally started doing ding cuisine in our house- I also love how quick and easy quiche is- bung it all in, add some cream and cheese and you've got a filling, simple meal! You are not 'just a housewife who cooks', you are a housewife who is showing some of us (slightly) younger housewives how to cook and frugally manage our homes. I emigrated from my country a long time ago and I didn't have the benefit of a mother or older sister to show me the ropes. I figured it out eventually, but your videos are so helpful and down to earth that I can really relate to them. Thank you for taking the time to do this valuable work!

  2. cheerful girl
    cheerful girl says:

    Food prices just keep slowing rising here in Utah, USA. There was a sharp spike in bacon/pork towards the end of 2021 and I refused to pay the exorbitant price increase. I’ve kept my eye on bacon and it’s slowly coming down in price. I doubt it’ll get back down to the price it was, but it’s almost down to a price I might be willing to pay. I’m definitely looking forward to planting my garden this Spring. Being able to get some produce from my garden should help my budget!

  3. C2yourself
    C2yourself says:

    You're just brilliant! Everything looks amazing.
    I'm in California USA watching everything go up 20-50% including beans and rice. We cook from scratch 99% of the time and also make new dishes from leftovers

  4. Lorena Griffin
    Lorena Griffin says:

    Thank you Jane. You inspired me to look through our fridge and make meals from what we have in our fridge. I just made a quiche….thanks to you. I had a few strips of bacon, a few slices of deli ham, a few mushrooms, broccoli, a half bag of cheese, a little heavy cream and four eggs. I also had one premade pie crust. This a quiche has been made that I can have for breakfast or lunch this week. Also I had 3 over ripe bananas so I made a loaf of banana bread.

  5. Karen Murtagh Yoga
    Karen Murtagh Yoga says:

    Gas (car) prices have gone up, a lot! I drive a lot less. Food prices have gone up so we are more mindful about waste (which is good to do anyway). This gave me inspiration for my dinner tonight, thank you!

  6. Kerry Neylan
    Kerry Neylan says:

    How could you make that lovely looking quiche and then not be able to eat any of it? Same with the cakes you recently made. I did try to grow fruit and veggies last year but it wasn't a huge success so I need to try harder this year.

  7. Camila Genevieve
    Camila Genevieve says:

    I always enjoy your videos, thank you for bringing peace into our home. Strawberries are up to $10 here. We are eating the food we have at home only and picking up essentials with $4 in our monthly food budget for the next couple of months. We have plenty at home already, even frozen produce.

  8. seat Schnabel.
    seat Schnabel. says:

    You make so wonderful videos. The recipes are great, the music, the pictures, the whole presentation is great. You are artist in frugal living but also in making the videos.
    Greetings from Germany ♥️

  9. Colin Chick
    Colin Chick says:

    Another great video. I especially like you using the carrots – many would throw those away I thought I was the only person who used them when they looked like that. The are fine once peeled.

  10. Cathy Millar
    Cathy Millar says:

    It’s Saturday morning here in Quebec, Canada. Changing the beds, just selected my meat for the week from freezer. I choose two or three kinds of meat and develop my meals from this. I find it eases the stress of meals throughout the week. I don’t write down meal plans, but sort of organize it in my head. Thank you for your suggestions.

  11. Wendy Travers
    Wendy Travers says:

    Great video Jane, do you ever cook on the top of the kitchen wood burner? Could you use the heat to slow cook I know it heats the kettle water. I love using everything up and use grated carrot with mince beef to bulk it out. Love the meals your done today, take care ♥️💋🤗

  12. kakelinga
    kakelinga says:

    I love the fact that you can make delicious and satisfying meals with whatever you have on hand. You are super creative. I love when you bake because you bake gluten free. You are my motivation to live more frugally because retirement is right around the corner for us. We need to become much more disciplined before we actually retire. Thank you for another great video.

  13. Cheryl Verber
    Cheryl Verber says:

    Another fab video and a great way to use up eggs in a quiche( can you freeze quiche?)
    In fact the whole video was an eye opener and all of what you made i have in my fridge most weeks. Will be referencing this video alot.
    As always thank you for the ideas, so inspired

  14. Cdogvlog 55
    Cdogvlog 55 says:

    I haven't been doing any cooking since I destroyed my kitchen. I have put it back together, but have to wait for the plumber to come and hook it all up. The budget has been shot to pieces because I spontaneously decided to go on a road trip to get away from it and spent a fortune on petrol and junk food along the way none of which was budgeted for. To make matters worse I decided to buy a new countertop instead of using the free one I had but for good reason, so I don't feel so bad about that. The good news is I will get all my plumbing problems sorted all at once. Your casserole thing reminds me that I have quite a bit of mashed potato in the freezer and unfortunately the freezer got unplugged while doing this whole cabinet alteration and so I plugged it back in and just hoping it was not unplugged too long. I've been having those cheap microwave meals quite a bit and all I can say is when I get the water back on and this dishwasher is dishwashing good this has got to stop. I know to some people a dishwasher sounds like a crazy extravagance but washing dishes is something that eats up too much time. I'm going to give growing spinach another try soon. Apparently it freezes really well, but I'm going to get one of those poly tunnel things to stop it all being eaten by garden pests. It seems that your cream fraiche cheese combination is a stand in for normal cheese sauce. I guess Mark could make his own lunch. I don't eat stuff unless I prepare it myself.

  15. Rosemary Doran
    Rosemary Doran says:

    Oh my those dishes looked delicious! Here in the middle U.S., prices have risen on all meats (beef, pork, poultry and fish) plus dairy and cheese. Other items have increased as well but meat and dairy on have increased the most. I have cut back on the amount of meat I buy and I use less of it. I grew up eating leftovers and so I have continued to do that as an adult and I don't mind them at all. Many dishes I think can taste even better after they've had a day or two to sit in the refrigerator and have all the spices meld together. I know many people who don't eat leftovers at all and I just don't understand it. I appreciate how you are not wasteful of the food that you have and I am really focusing on not wasting food. I tend to be bad at using up produce before it rots and I want to do better at that. Thank you for your inspiration!

  16. A Daly
    A Daly says:

    Jane and Mike such wonderful ideas for using up left over food, Jane you are such a very good home cook brilliant. It reminds of my greatgrandmother, grandmother and grand aunt who were such good cooks and made their shillings really stretch. Left over foods in each house were often shared and they batched cooked between them, each had certain special dishes so they cooked up enough for the 3 households. They did everything christmas was especially wonderful. Thank you for reminding me of being with them while they cooked and I learned with them. Mike your editing is great 👍.

  17. Kay Krausman
    Kay Krausman says:

    I have a silly question, but here goes….what is the music track that comes on when the "Browning the Meatballs" segment starts? It is in most, if not all, of your videos. It's such a pleasant upbeat tune 😊

  18. K. V.
    K. V. says:

    Loved your "Ding cuisine." I'll have to start using that term too! Everything looked delicious as always. I have so much pecans, almonds, and peanuts from Christmas that I'd like to use up, so I plan on making pecan 🥧, and blending up almond butter, and peanut butter for sandwiches and cookies.

  19. Candace S
    Candace S says:

    All your food looks so delicious and very easy and no fuss to make. I love to see what you are cooking as it gives me ideas. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut. What do you eat when you cant eat what Mike is eating? Thanks for the video!

  20. Rochelle Davis
    Rochelle Davis says:

    These meals were so simple and they looked so yummy! We live in North Dakota USA and yes, prices are definitely rising. As a mom of 8(and counting) I've been working very hard to learn more cooking from scratch and stretching the ingredients we do buy, best I can. Seeing you cook is always motivating and inspiring! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  21. jeanne stott
    jeanne stott says:

    Hi Jane I like the look of the sausage casserole and the quiche you made for Mike. Would you eat it if you made it with gluten free pastry? The spaghetti also looked amazing even better I love left over spaghetti.

  22. Lynn Ingram
    Lynn Ingram says:

    I always feel so accomplished when I cut up all the veggies left in the fridge after a week. Even if I only chop them to go in the freezer. Then there is no waste and it's making another meal prep that much easier.
    Thank you for inspiring us with delicious looking recipes!

  23. Sarah Macrae
    Sarah Macrae says:

    Our food shop like yours includes cleaning stuff and most toiletries it has gone from about £75 per week for 3 to nearer £90 plus £10 per week for school lunches part of it is our daughter now eating adult not child portions but a small saving on fuel as Scottish children now get free bus travel so she can go to clubs on her own, though I fetch her back as we are too rural for her to be on bus after 6pm on her own


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