Don't Make a Resolution Until You Watch This with Dr. Columbus Batiste

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7 replies
  1. @marly1869
    @marly1869 says:

    Thank you for this wonderful motivational start to our year.. I really needed this today 🫣
    Yes you are correct Dr Batiste, staying on track with this community is so important, I feel like it really keeps me going 🥰
    Gotta get my Live ChefAJ show fix 🥰🌱🫐💕

  2. @dogcatparty7371
    @dogcatparty7371 says:

    1/21/2024 CHEF AJ'S CURRENT BOOK (ALL OF HER VIDEOS, BOOKS) SHOULD BE USED IN ALL SCHOOL, CORPORATE CAFETERIAS CAFES, RESTAURANTS, ALL OVER THE USA & ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! BEST WISHES TO DR. COLUMBUS BATISTE!!! Thanks in advance for reading this and discussing this with your friends. I just saw an ad promoting the country of Uruguay as a great place to grow cows for slaughter. This is exactly why I hope that 'Cultured Meat' is a success for every company in every zip code (all the cities and all the states in the USA are competing with each other to make the most money…this could be the best reason for the 'military industrial congress complex, cold war promoted as creating millions of USA jobs and tax dollars to support local road projects, etc. ' (Eisenhower speech to JFK…LBJ HAD HIS OWN HITMAN KILL HIS OWN SISTER & HIS OWN NANNY TO HIS MISTRESS, MADELEINE DUNCAN BROWN, MURDERED BECAUSE THE EXCELLENT BLACK NANNY SAW THEM INTIMATE IN THE HOTEL HALLWAY!!! THEN LBJ'S LAWYERS MURDERED THEIR 'LOVECHILD' LOOK A LIKE TO LBJ, NAMED STEPHEN OR STEVEN, SERVED IN VIETNAM, KIDNAPPED FOR DISPUTING THE WILL OF LBJ, HIS LAWYERS TOOK THE MONEY MEANT FOR MADELEINE & STEVEN, USA LEADERS ARE NO BETTER THAN ANY OTHER NATION…) to invest in 'cultured meat' as 'meals ready to eat' and survival food for food banks all over the USA, long lines with millions homeless, freezing or frying to death…all over the world, to help minimize (ideally end) growing animals for slaughter. Cultured Meat should be available NOW (20 YEARS AGO!!!) in every big box store, ever fast food outlet, every corner Dollar Store (where millions shop to make their money ssstttrrreeetttccchhh as much as possible. Even the elite who shop at the best stores could be buying the BEST 'Cultured Meat' and not be able to taste the difference from slaughtered animals!!! The problem is that (very recently) these Cultured Meat companies have been taken over by CEO's out to make the most money as quickly as possible, and treat their employees like slaves, similar to Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos. Hear the author John Carreyrou talk about his book 'Bad Blood' and whistleblowers speak at 'Ethics at Stanford.' Erika Cheung should be more famous than any 'first lady' 'second lady' or any princess, any queen. The same goes for the brave author, Julie K. Brown, who researched for decades before publishing 'Perversion of Justice, the life of Jeffrey Epstein.' The same goes for researcher, author, Whitney Webb. Survivor Maria Farmer believes that they had so many victims that many were probably murdered (like cows). PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM VICTORIA'S SECRET OR L BRANDS BECAUSE THE CEO GAVE JEFFREY EPSTEIN EVERY MANSION FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH!!! Even the black judge who stopped Jeffrey Epstein from hiding out at his pedophile island got fired, so these people are still in power. This is still going on in the film and modeling world (even to male models) and school campus' so every parent should, ideally read and discuss these books. 'Cultured Meat' could be ideal for all cat and dog food!!! The key is to build and sustain a 'Fortune 500' of plant based companies that help each other stay in business instead of the current model, like the Monopoly board game, want to 'merger and acquisition' to control the entire (plant based) economy. THIS MIGHT HELP THROUGH USING THE BOOKS BUY LAWYER ELLEN BROWN AND HER WEBSITE 'PBI.ORG' OR PUBLIC BANKING INSTITURE, AND USING EVERY POST OFFICE AS A PUBLIC BANK, TO HELP EVERYONE SAVE MONEY TAKEN BUY MANY CORRUPT BANKS ALL OVER THE USA!!! JAPAN USES ALL OF THEIR POST OFFICES AS PUBLIC BANKS, AND THIS REALLY HELPS OUT THE ELDERLY, ETC. Ideally, each 'plant based' economy should try to focus their sales in about a fifty mile radius, so as not to put similar companies out of business. There should be some kind of ethics so that the ceo can't take over profits and put the 'Cultured Meat' or any plant based company out of business from pure greed. Every current dog and cat food company should hurry up and replace their slaughter operations with 'Cultured Meat' before the competition puts them out of business. This may be easier for the dog preferred company called Cesar's, 'which puts out 'chicken liver' or 'grilled chicken', etc., in a small white plastic cup with a tin foil cover!!! The company called Blue (Buffalo) should turn their slaughtered cow dog food into 'Cultured Meat' dog food!!! All of Purina pet food (they make trillions every year in many areas of the supermarkets, big box stores) into 'Cultured Meat' to help save billions and billions of animals from being tortured to death every year. Cats, dogs, zoo animals will never 'go vegan' they should be first in line for the BEST 'Cultured Meat'!!! 'Cultured Meat' could be great for a lot of zoo food, to help bring down the cost (most depend on ticket sales to feed the animals). 'Cultured Meat' could help overcome antibiotic resistance (or MRS or staph infections that kill) not working in hospitals, etc. when people really need them. (Please do an in depth program on the new yogurt called 'Activia' which is covered in flimsy paper and not be fresh, even though it looks fresh. It may not be safe to eat 'Activia' if you have had recent surgery and really need your antibiotic to work). Another product to be careful about is Lysol wipes (and spray) which might make your antibiotic less effective. Lysol wipes may also ruin your glass top electric burners, so be sure to never use them on your glass stove top. 'Cultured Meat' could be sold at all fast food outlets, which have been caught on You Tube selling 'liquid meat in plastic bags' with out of date stickers. They sell this out of date crap to increase profits (instead of throwing it away). The employee who put this on You Tube was fired. He (teenager) really needs a good job with good people, so I hope that the world of vegan people can find him a network of good employers to find the right fit. I know that most vegans are against 'Cultured Meat' but you have to look at the facts that about 90% of the general public seems to 'like the taste of meat' and it will probably take about 10 million years to persuade all of them to 'go vegetarian' or 'go vegan.' We are running out of time (losing the best forests, endangered species go extinct every day, minute before the nuclear alarm clock… to people who want to profit from tearing it down to raise cows for slaughter. 'Cultured Meat' sold at less the price of all the fast food companies (smaller portions with tastier 'cultured cheese' and gourmet 'power seed bread (interview the owner of 'Dave's Killer Bread' or crackers' 'gourmet cucumber, lettuce, cherry tomatoes easier to swallow than full tomatoes, shredded gourmet carrots' (most grown indoors, no pesticide, no chemical fertilizers, as shown in the book 'The Vertical Farm' by Dr. Despommier and introduction by Majora Carter, could help 8 billion people grown their own daily salad inside their own home (shower area). 'Cultured Meat' may be promoted as food to survive on space colonies. Humans will have the exact same survival problems on Mars, Moon, etc., as here on Earth, just worse with planned slavery and child abuse, similar to Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell, planned breeding program in New Mexico. An insider at Elon Musk employee parties said that he has lots of sex workers and lots of cocaine being used back in his private bathrooms to impress (or film and 'blackmail to work three days straight without complaining' as shut up or I will show your wife or your mother what you did at the last party…Sorry for the editing mistakes…Have a Great Day as much as possible!!!

  3. @traceylynn3422
    @traceylynn3422 says:

    Dr Columbus what a great talk. I could relate this to gardening. I know if I trim and feed my garden every week I get a better outcome than just doing it randomly ! I will put those thoughts to exercise as I haven't thought of it that way, do something everyday to get the end result. Thanks Chef AJ


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