DON'T LOSE YOUR GARLIC | How To Make Toum (Lebanese Garlic Sauce)

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It’s been about 6 months since we harvested our garlic. We saved off some for seed, but never planted this fall since we have so …

30 replies
  1. msgottaneedtoknow
    msgottaneedtoknow says:

    Omg, that looks amazing! I haven’t had any luck growing garlic but I’m not giving up. I’m in northern Minnesota, so does anyone have any advise?
    New subscriber, live this channel. 😊👍🏼

  2. Full Coverage Fever
    Full Coverage Fever says:

    I was looking into preservation and I really like this idea.

    I also was looking at making garlic powder for long term storage, and minced for short term.
    Do you have any thoughts on weather that is a way to get through a whole harvest?

  3. The Sticker Farm
    The Sticker Farm says:

    I just made a batch of Toum after checking my garlic. It turned out fluffy and tastes amazing. I used avocado oil, canola mix. My sauce is not white, it is a creamy yellow. Looks like butter color. I am assuming it is due to the avocado oil. What oil did you use,? yours was white. Any thoughts?

  4. Esther Reeves
    Esther Reeves says:

    I may have to try that, as I have a bit of a backlog of garlic. I help run a veg farm CSA so we store all the garlic at the farm and parcel it out weekly and it keeps well there but even then we will be coming to the end soon. I have a big stash of dehydrated garlic which works really well in the gap till the new stuff is ready.

  5. Mark Thomas Hobbies
    Mark Thomas Hobbies says:

    My wife makes a yogurt marinade chicken. I eat it with garlic sauce on a pita or naan bread. So good. I also live in Michigan. If you have not had it. I suggest you try 29/41 Mediterranean. One of the sauces they offer is a garlic. Really good food.

  6. Margaret Thompson
    Margaret Thompson says:

    Here’s a couple ideas. Confit some of the cloves. They should store in the fridge for quite a while (I don’t actually know this but in my head it sounds reasonable).

    Also, I am one of those people who prefer granulated garlic to powdered garlic. Could you not achieve this by freeze drying minced garlic? A thought…or go the powdered route by grinding freeze dried whole cloves.

  7. Florence Stäheli
    Florence Stäheli says:

    Thank you for your interesting recipe! peeling made easier: 95% of cloves are crescent shaped. hold a clove with thumb and index finger on the upper, slim side, put it on the cutting board and still holding firm, cut the clove with a sharp knife lengthwise and downwards in two pieces. cut off the top and bottom part, now you see how the skin falls off almost by itself. another very good method is shown in the video: Garlic and Honey For Health – Questions, Answers and Tips (OAG)

  8. Misty Mount Homestead
    Misty Mount Homestead says:

    I keep my garlic in a dresser drawer and it keeps till next harvest. If your garlic started to germinate it's usually because it got too cold at one point. We make sure when we cure it the temperature doesn't get below 10 degrees Celsius. I also dehydrated some to make garlic powder.

  9. Vivian
    Vivian says:

    Oh my gosh so much goodness with garlic! I had other plans for today….now I am going to check my garlic! I love garlic so much but constantly am apologizing saying, sorry I have garlic breath…🥴
    Question: those frozen garlic cloves, u just take them out and use them just u would fresh? I have never heard of that.
    I dehydrated some garlic for powder and man did that get in any clothing…
    I was packing to stay at our kids house while finishing dehydrating garlic and the next day once I got there they said what on earth did u do it was such a strong smell and I didn't realize it. But oh I love my garlic.

  10. Tonia
    Tonia says:

    Did you know you can peel your garlic by putting your garlic in a big bowl and take another bowl preferably the same size, then put it on top af the bowl with the garlic with the tops of the bowls facing each other and shake. Wallah

  11. Jeff
    Jeff says:

    Holy cow, that's a lot of garlic! If I had that much I wouldn't have planted this year too.

    Definitely need to check those stores periodically. I've got garlic, onions, shallots, potatoes stored out in my shop. I like to rummage through them every few weeks & pull out any that are going bad or sprouting. For stuff that's sprouting I'll often toss it into a bed & let it fend for itself.

  12. Debra Carnley
    Debra Carnley says:

    Thanks for the tip, Rachel! This past season was our first growing garlic and we got a decent crop. I immediately got it and got it put into the freezer! I would have hated to lose it!

  13. lynn hadley
    lynn hadley says:

    I know you said you are in Michigan, but what zone are you in / I love how you explain what exactly you are working on. Also, I buy garlic chopped in a jar. Can I can some of them like that?


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