Dolly Parton's Stone Soup

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26 replies
  1. Trevor6714
    Trevor6714 says:

    Isn’t stone soup that story where someone who is less fortunate than others, creates a soup with stones in it, and people decide to add in one ingredient each until it becomes a full meal?

  2. ParadoxFace
    ParadoxFace says:

    if she ate it in her childhood it's probably likely that the European folklore story of "stone soup" was the reason! I ate this when I was in kindergarten and they fed it to us as a testament to the story! the moral of stone soup and the symbolism behind the use of the stone is this, in the story some travelers find themselves wandering in a town and hungry. they try asking the local towns people for food but they refuse the suggestion. with them the travelers had a simple pot. they fashioned a fire and dropped a stone into the bottom of the pot and filled it with water it began to boil and a curios local had happened upon them eager to try what they were cooking. soon enough more and more people gathered around and as they did the travelers told each one to add an ingredient to improve it's flavor. by the end of it they had tricked themselves into feeding the whole town when at first they had no compassion to feed the hungry travelers. a moral of nobility and sharing, making it should be more of a performance. as I said my kindergarten teacher had us do the same as we read this story then we got to eat the soup later on!


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