Doing My Best! Whole House Clean With Me! Getting This Place In Order As Much As I Can!

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Hey party people! Thanks so much for hanging out with me today while I share this new whole house clean with me! I mean I …

39 replies
  1. Kimberly Nicasio
    Kimberly Nicasio says:

    We always set up Christmas stuff the day after Thanksgiving. I honestly don't get setting up so early….we're supposed to be eating "the harvest" or whatever and Thanksgiving decor is autumnal looking. We have a big feast to bask in Christmas stuff….on Christmas lol.

  2. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    I put a few decorations for thanksgiving just for vibe but full on decor after thanksgiving. If I put everything up too early I start feeling cluttered before January even comes. Thanks for the video 🪴💚🌵🌸

  3. Valerie S
    Valerie S says:

    Hi Kim! You always make my day better after your videos. I love your personality and your humor. I can’t believe someone else besides me remembers the songs on the Brady bunch lol. We are currently watching reruns of Reba. I love that show!! Great wholesome family show! Thank you for another great video 😊

  4. jkp62
    jkp62 says:

    You look amazing Kim! Always enjoy your content! I have some friends who have an original cloud couch for their family/media room and a friend who got the dupe and they both regret the purchase of them- the cushions thin out quickly and won’t fluff back to that picture perfect look, they say they are too difficult to get on and out of them. The one who got the dupe sold hers and ended up getting a regular size sofa, two “they don’t look like” recliners as side chairs and about 8 oversized floor cushions with zip off cases for easy cleaning for their grandkids to lounge on as that’s where they always end up with their toys. And if kids or adult guests want to spend the night, they just inflate air mattresses (the room is huge and can accommodate 4 twins or 2 queens without moving furniture). We only have one living room area and 1 guest room, we put an IKEA chaise sleeper sofa in our living room with extra slip covers- since we are empty nesters, the sofa has held up and excellently, but allows for our son and his family to spend a weekend and the kids to sleep in the living room or our daughter and her family and once they both came down and we set up air mattresses in the oversized dining room to accommodate the 5 grandkids, one set of adults in the living room (has French doors with matchstick blinds for privacy) and the other set of adults in the guest room. That’s 9 extra people in our 1200 sqft 2bed cottage (we downsized from 3200 sqft when our children moved out).

  5. Paula Young
    Paula Young says:

    “Keep on keeping on”has been my mantra this summer through broken wing time. Getting better, but it’s funny that that was brought up. Aaannyway, please, please, please, for all that is holy, celebrate ONE holiday at a time. Time goes by fast enough, leave the Christmas decor until the day after Thanksgiving.

  6. Wendy Kuiper
    Wendy Kuiper says:

    Oh my gosh! Do you know how hard it is, not being able to talk back to you! 😱 Ive been warching your videos for over a Year now I think and everytime you make me laugh so hard! And I have seen you growing and “getting your life together” and honestly Kim, you ARE that lady across the room and weird to say, but I am actually proud of you and inspire me too! Thanks for being you and putting a little happy in my days ❤️

  7. Nancy Bumgarner
    Nancy Bumgarner says:

    Mothers touch is all everything needs. But you maybe trying to do too much. You need to take it slow. You are a great mom and wife and they need you..The house work can wait on you. Love you KIM slow down enjoy the baby

  8. Sarah S
    Sarah S says:

    You know why I enjoy your videos so much? Your voiceovers. They are so entertaining. I don't enjoying playing cleaning videos to listen to while I am cleaning, and all I hear is elevator music. I enjoy listening to you talk even when I am not watching the video itself. You should start a podcast of just you talking about whatever. I'd listen to that haha.

  9. Mya
    Mya says:

    We dont celebrate Thanksgiving here but the christmas decor thing i grew up with the "rule" that before first sunday in december windowlights and christmas cleaning gets done also outside lights, second sunday decor gets put up, third sunday christmas tree… Anything having to do with christmas before the 15th of november is complete insanity in my world 😅 i know there is christmas lovers out there but im not one of them

  10. Marinemom
    Marinemom says:

    Hello Kim. Youve asked in the past on ideas on shows to watch. I just watched a true story movie on prime called oddball. Id give it a 10. Great family video. On netflix I love walk ride rodeo, dumplin, seven pounds. Hulu has all the free willy movies 5 of them yes 5. Lol I didnt know there were 5. Robots is good, dolphintale, mousehunt, hotel for dogs. Disney swiss family robinson 1960's version is one of my favorites. Your an amazing woman. Cant wait til next video.

  11. Michelle Benyock
    Michelle Benyock says:

    Hi Kim, we have begun to have some Christmas decorations up on Thanksgiving. We decorate the top of our cabinets with little houses and decorate the basement right after Halloween. All other decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving and our goal is to be done by the end of that weekend. That goal is
    rarely met. 🙂 Since all of that takes time I want to enjoy it as long as possible. One goal I always keep is everything must be put away before Kickoff on Super Bowl Sunday. Works for me!

  12. K Asm
    K Asm says:

    We used to set up Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, but it seems like a lot of work for just a few weeks of enjoyment. So now, we are decorated by Thanksgiving!

  13. ROZEA Family
    ROZEA Family says:

    Hi Kim, do you just wing-it when it comes to cleaning or do you have a cleaning schedule you follow to keep your house clean? We have about the same size house as you guys and I really battle to keep it clean with all the other things I need to do as well. You look so organised in life so I thought I’d ask. All the best. Anél

  14. Dawn Webb
    Dawn Webb says:

    Ok. So it’s so old but still on TV. Threes company. I have 7 children and now 4 Grand children. I work nights and stay busy. So when I get any wind down time I have that on DVR. Just some great laughs.


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