Do you want a perfect JUICY RIBEYE in 10-15 minutes? This is PERFECT for the CARNIVORE DIET!

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In this video I show how to make a great steak using the Reverse sear, oven finished technique with the Meater bluetooth digital …

21 replies
  1. Griffin Harvey
    Griffin Harvey says:

    When I saw the beautiful steak in your intro I thought "I'd have to take out a bank loan for that one!" I nearly choked (cried?) when you said you paid $5.99/lb for the one you were cooking here. Seriously, here in BC Canada at Costco the 'rib grilling steak' is $23/lb. I don't know for sure if that's even rib eye, but I think it has to be – or as close to it as we'd get here.

  2. Cate A
    Cate A says:

    lightbulb moment💡 i always cook my meat well done because that is how i was raised and it seems it tastes good to me. i wonder though…seems many of the happy carnivores that enjoy it and have super results eat more rare meats. i wonder if the nutrition is better? part of my well done cooking was reinforced during that mad cow disease scare a million years ago. i guess i should give cooking less time a go little by little. i like the chew of well done but maybe nutrition should come first.

  3. Fury Smith
    Fury Smith says:

    Hey Mitch! I have a method that’s almost the same but easier…I just learned it and I get restaurant quality results w no smoke or mess! It’s cold searing…found it on You Tube America’s Test Kitchen… don’ t salt until after cooking and cook in Cold pan on high for Two minutes each side, then turn down to medium and cook each side 2 min until finished to your liking… rare/med rare on 1.5 inch steak takes about 6-8 min… no oven, no smoke, and the best crust ever!

  4. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    I have said this before- but I truly feel that colon cancer is NOT silent at all! Our bodies are warning us up to that point in stages when people eat plant based foods, processed or whole (raw or cooked) – doesn’t matter which type you digest- does the same to your colon! These are stages that our colon warns us that we are damaging it before we hit colon cancer:

    Stage 1: IBS symptoms- (Cramping, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, extended bellies!)

    Stage 2 if you ignore stage one: Diverticulitis, diverticulosis, crones, celiac, ulcers, polyps, leaky gut, lactose, and so on.

    Stage 3: colon cancer!

    We need to be listening to our bodies! Doctors say it’s normal to have IBS- but NO it is not! It’s not normal at all- it is a warning that if we ignore, our guts will get damaged over time! There is no silence with colon cancer- your body has done so much to warn you but you just didn’t listen! Remove plants from your diet and go the human ancestral way of eating- the carnivore lifestyle! It is not a fad- it’s is the human way of eating!

  5. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    I have said this before- but I truly feel that colon cancer is NOT silent at all! Our bodies are warning us up to that point in stages when people eat plant based foods, processed or whole (raw or cooked) – doesn’t matter which type you digest- does the same to your colon! These are stages that our colon warns us that we are damaging it before we hit colon cancer:

    Stage 1: IBS symptoms- (Cramping, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, extended bellies!)

    Stage 2 if you ignore stage one: Diverticulitis, diverticulosis, crones, celiac, ulcers, polyps, leaky gut, lactose, and so on.

    Stage 3: colon cancer!

    We need to be listening to our bodies! Doctors say it’s normal to have IBS- but NO it is not! It’s not normal at all- it is a warning that if we ignore, our guts will get damaged over time! There is no silence with colon cancer- your body has done so much to warn you but you just didn’t listen! Remove plants from your diet and go the human ancestral way of eating- the carnivore lifestyle! It is not a fad- it’s is the human way of eating!

  6. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    Again, don’t forget all processed foods are made purly from plant parts! All plants are toxic and they all have anti nutrients that prevent you from absorbing nutrients from meats! And if you barely eat meat like the organizations say to, you are pretty much not abaorbing any nutrients from meats! If you eat plants with meat, at one sitting, all is being flushed out so not absorbing anything! Why are older people loosing muscle mass and bones weaker, plant toxins and anti nutrients! We are not supposed to eat plants, whether whole food, raw, or processed! And all plant parts are processed as sugar in the body! All health illnesses, diseases, and cancers are from plants, and it happens over time! Once you hit your 30’s/40’s your health really starts to plummet! And for many now it’s happening earlier! Why did they bring colonoscopies to age 45 now- because plants are killing everyone’s colons! Look at the history of illnesses and when people started eating plants! It’s like the movie Matrix! Wake up and look at the reality- whether a regular person, doctor, everyone! Be open minded about the ancestral human way of eating- it was meat! Dr. Chaffee, Dr. Baker, and Dr. Berry follow the science! Go watch.

  7. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    Incase anyone is considering carnivore and unsure of whether to stop eating any plant based foods- SAD diet and food pyramid was designed by a religion group called 7th Day Adventists Christians to ruin human health. Watch Belinda Fattke on that and their tool to was to use natural plant toxins, including sugar as a toxin, to ruin human hormones that control all! They didn’t want humans to eat meat! Their religious ideology was snuck into the human public race’s food pyramid, curriculum for doctors, they own Kellogg’s and even Mr. Kellogg was a 7th Day Adventist Christian in on the scam! They own Coca Cola, are members in our “health” organizations pushing their religious agenda! None of that is science based! We have all been tricked! They even designed the Vegan diet- once called the “Garden of Eden Diet.” So everyone needs to drop the plant based mess and go carnivore!

  8. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    Incase anyone needs this, I typed up a list of docs that support carnivore diet. All these doctors, and few others, on youtube support carnivore diet:

    Dr. Shawn Baker- Orthopedic Surgean, Carnivore Doctor- many interviews with people healing all illnesses, diseases, and cancers from eating carnivore diet- started Revero.
    Book- The Carnivore Diet

    Dr. Ken Berry- Carnivore/ Keto “Proper Human Diet”- watch live on Mondays CST 7pm
    Book- Lies My Doctor Told Me
    Book- Common Sense Labs

    Dr. Anthony Chaffee-Plants are toxic- (includes all grains, seeds, veggies, fruits.) Dr. Chaffee took cancer biology and cancer botany when getting medical degrees- plants can cause disease and cancer.

    Dr. Sally Norton- plants are toxic- leading to illnesses, cancers, diseases.
    Book- Toxic Superfoods

    Dr. Sean O’Mara- A former emergency physician- visceral fat ruins human health- causes harm to muscle health and can encourage cancer!

    Dr. Paul Mason- low to zero carb diets that include eating high animal fats and protein create positive metabolic health. Supports carnivore diet.

    Thomas Seyfried, Ph. D.- cancer is a metabolic disease, has scientific evidence to prove it- education on genetics- cancer is caused by sugars! Has the science to back it up! Keto/ carnivore diet can prevent cancer and cure it.
    Book- An Overview of Cancer As A Metabolic Disease

    Dr. Gary Fattke, Orthopedic Surgean, and wife Belinda Fattke- Nutrition scientist- supports carnivore diet- food pyramid and RDA are not science based- but written by 7th Day Adventists Christians religious ideology- they found the hidden agendas!

    Dr. David Diamond- raised cholesterol from Keto/ Carnivore Diet is not a concern.

    David Feldmen- cholesterol- researching Lean Mass Hyper responder

    Dr. Philip Ovadia- cardiac heart surgean- supports carnivore diet. Book- Stay Off My Operating Table.

    Dr. Chris Knobbe – optometrist- vegetable oils bad in general and especially causing macular degeneration of eyes. Vegetable oils also causing diseases including cancers and heart disease.
    Book- The Ancestral Diet Revolution

    Dr. Lisa Wiedeman- optometric doctor- carnivore for 14 years- vegetable oils, sugars, and grains causing macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other health issues- and prevention is carnivore diet

    Dr. Jason Fung- Intermittent Fasting/ Cholesterol Code / Cancer Code
    Book- The Complete Guide to Fasting
    Other books on Cholesterol and cancer.

    Dr. Robert Kiltz- ladies health Dr. and pro carnivore diet- plants are causing harm to ladies and men.

    Dr. David Brownstein- iodine and salt health

    Nina Teicholz- wrote book, Big FAT Surprise- Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese BELONG in a HEALTHY DIET.

  9. JenniferTxCarnivore
    JenniferTxCarnivore says:

    To those new to carnivore- Carnivore diet cured so much for me! I update this list as time passes so it is always up to date. I have been zero carb carnivore for 11 months.

    * No more perimenopause- completely reversed!

    *Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself!

    *No more night sweats

    *No more waking every 2 hours at night!

    *It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast!

    *No more life long eczema

    *No more cold hands

    *No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile – only warm in texas sun.

    *No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea)

    *No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm

    *No more purple looking hands in winter

    *No more brain fog

    *No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows

    *used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more!

    *Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight.

    *Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing!

    *Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well.

    *Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 46 and look like I am in early 30’s.

    *Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me.

    *No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach!

    *Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup!

    *no cravings unless they are for meat

    *no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago.

    *No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods

    * no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller.

    *feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 40 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that.

    *Before carnivore- i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet – but assumed it was coming. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights.

    * no more body odor!

    * I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much.

    *I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that.

    * I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things.

    *Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing!

    *no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing!

    * I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too!

    *Veins in my arms look healthier. They were almost invisible before.

    *Legs no longer hurt on longer road trips or plane rides!

    *I used to get a popping sounds in my right shoulder when lifting weights. Was probably a pulled ligament. That is now gone!

    *I have been lactose intolerant since I was a kid, and I feel my nails are a bit stronger than before. They do break if I catch them on things but I feel they are getting stronger on carnivore.

    *My teeth look more white on carnivore.

    *My blood pressure has improved on carnivore. 6 years before carnivore up to starting carnivore my blood pressure was increasing. Now on carnivore it is back to normal like when I was younger. Last reading it was 100/75 which is awesome!

    *i used to get eye twitches in my eye lids, but that is gone.

    * at times when trying to fall asleep I would close my eyes and at times felt dizzy like falling feeling or spinning. But haven’t has that since I have been on carnivore for 11 months.

    If I think of anything else will add. ☺️👍🏻

    I know when people go on carnivore they are trying to heal something, but if they aren’t like me and notice small things- they may not notice they are healing way more than they realized- things plant foods were causing! And they need to remember, processed foods are made from plants- but so are whole foods (raw or cooked!) they are all toxic!

    The carnivore diet cures! ☺️👌🏻 The body is a network made of multiple gears- and if one gets messed up it causes a whole domino affect of problems like I had! The carnivore lifestyle is not a fad, it’s the ancestral human way of eating! Go Carnivore for a few months and see how you feel! ☺️👍🏻


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