DIY Instant Pot Roasted Potatoes

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What a fast and easy and delicious meal made in the Instant pot then put in the oven on Broil for a few minutes for quick delicious Roasted Potatoes! Too much …

10 replies
  1. Momma O
    Momma O says:

    What a fast and easy and delicious meal made in the Instant pot then put in the oven on Broil for a few minutes for quick delicious Roasted Potatoes! Too much fun and Remember to "Look for the Rose amongst the thorns" Thanks for watching!

  2. puuuuurrrfectkitten
    puuuuurrrfectkitten says:

    Love that idea. Lol he's just real life but also. Towls are washable and so are hands lol. I love roasted potatos and end up takeing sour cream putting garlic powder little bit salt and dip my rosted potatos in. But always hate time it takes to make them

  3. Grateful MC
    Grateful MC says:

    Your yummy-looking food always makes me hungry! I have the bad habit of getting distracted and walking away from food in the broiler…I've burned a lot of garlic bread! The kitchen and I don't always play well together.

  4. CarolinaGirl76
    CarolinaGirl76 says:

    I have been on the fence about spending the money for an Instapot. Its just the two of us, hubby and I, so didn't know if it would be good for small meals? Do you use it often when its just you and Poppa O? Love to watch everyday now! So happy I found out about your channel!


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