Divorcing Potato Chips

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Sugar and flour encapsulate the vast majority of what we abstain from in Bright Line Eating in order to heal our brains and our …

17 replies
  1. Michele Clay
    Michele Clay says:

    From the moment I saw her picture in the first book I resonated with Linden. She was my goal. Now that I’ve heard her “Divorce” letter from chips I understand we are sisters from a different mister. Sugar? No biggie? Flour? Child’s play! But don’t let that salty (and oh the vinegar) little chip in to my house! Thank you for this reminder and reinforcement! 266 bright days in a row and counting!

  2. Harold Gretzky
    Harold Gretzky says:

    I remember when I was perhaps 8 years old devouring potato chips while my mother was baking chocolate chip cookies. She begged me to stop eating them and touted how much better the cookies would be than empty potato chips.

  3. Pat Denman
    Pat Denman says:

    Right on time! I are my last potato chips yesterday morning. Thanks go to Dr. Pierce-Thompson and Dr. Cywes. I am 86 and struggled with food issues since I was a teenager.

  4. Rhonda Weeks
    Rhonda Weeks says:

    I get it as deeply as you say. My four Bright Lines may sound too restrictive to others, but they are what it takes for me to have peace and space around food. I have loved and hated food as long as I can remember. Now it’s becoming fuel. Pleasant fuel, but fuel. Oh and I finally have weight loss that I know is sustainable and predictable. 60 pounds gone forever because I finally KNOW. Thank you, SPT, for this video and BLE!!


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