DisGiving 2021 | Holiday Coffee

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Hello Beautiful Friends. Happy Dis Giving. Today I am participating in this yummy collab put on by Awesome Jasem. I am making 3 holiday coffee’s, let me know …

13 replies
  1. EARresistable Magic
    EARresistable Magic says:

    You have a lot of energy for somebody who hasn't it coffee come on I love that you're sharing coffee recipes! I actually do bake with molasses all the time… In love a good sarsaparilla at the renaissance fair! Yes Hi amazing ninja blender!!! I haven't got through the 1st coffee drink and I'm laughing so hard very good thing I live in Canada and are trees bleed maple….. If you can make it at home basically free opposed to $20. I make Eggnog frappuccinos at home basically so I can afford my mortgage!!!! I don't know that I find coffee romantic but I do find it I necessity And I indulge More than once a day.. I mean a little —, I mean they're really? I'm pretty sure when they Liquefied They're no longer good! See I wHhipped that one!! Okay thank you so very much for this files this made me audibly laugh, Grin so hard my cheeks or find I hope you enjoyed your coffee. I also hope that your thanksgiving was incredibly wonderful full of good people come are great food and much to be thankful for!

  2. AwesomeJasem
    AwesomeJasem says:

    YASSSS TERRYN!!!!! I absolutely LOVE coffee too! I’m a basic boy as well! 🤣🤣🤣 I love that you gave us a treat that we can use for the holidays (or let’s be real, everyday as well)! The Gingerbread Cookie Coffee sounds delicious! I love very flavored dishes and coffees so it sounds yummy to me! I definitely will be upping my coffee game thanks to you! Thank you so much for joining in on Disgiving again this year! Your Turkey was epic but this was just next level as well! 🦃🍽❤️
    P.S. Canadian Trees Bleed Maple! 🤣☠️

  3. Alisa de la Cruz
    Alisa de la Cruz says:

    Ok I'm guilty🤣 #basicwhitegirl🙋🏽‍♀️ I hope you did this in the morning cause dangggg that's a lot of coffee! I love coffee sooo much too! And I personally looovveeee combining hot chocolate and coffee all the time all year round💕 I'm definitely intrigued to try the peppermint mocha at home! Mahalo for sharing it all! Happy DisGiving!💕


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