Disease Reversal Hope! Real People. Real Stories. with Dr. Stoll, Dr. Mondala & Esther Loveridge

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24 replies
  1. Texas Patty
    Texas Patty says:

    I love Esther's face book group. She shows pictures of her simple meals, reads portions from her inspiring book, and shows videos of herself making her simple meals in her instant pot.
    I bought an instant pot because of her example. I am losing weight very slowly. I need to read the McDougall book that helped her so much. I am an older person, like her. Such great support!

  2. Julie Joseph
    Julie Joseph says:

    I had cataract surgery when I was 32 years old. I lived on strictly Atkins/Keto back then. If I only knew it was my diet back then. Now Im 44 and low fat plant based 6 years. It’s amazing how much I have changed in my body with inflammation since. I will never eat meat or dairy ever again. Thanks for this talk. So positive ❤️😀❤️🙏🏼❤️❤️

  3. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    Outstanding broadcast. I so admire and hold Esther Lebeck Loveridge close to my heart. Her voice is pure and her soul is authentic. I so appreciate the commitment from Drs. Scott Stoll and Melissa Mondala. Their messages are powerful. How important that new young medical students will have access to this amazing content! Thank you, Chef AJ. Your interviews are consistently worthwhile.🙏

  4. T Case
    T Case says:

    That film looks fantastic. Thanks very much for this wonderful and informative interview. The film, book and information made available to medical fraternity will have the lasting ability to save lives and give people the information to live healthier and happy lives. Looking forward to watching the film and following up on your guests websites. Thanks very much Chef AJ for all the wonderful guests and work preparing your show and excellent show as we see it on YouTube.


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