DINNER KIDS LOVE – Turkey Soup Recipe

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HEALTHY TURKEY NOODLE SOUP! This recipe works for Chicken carcass too! Super yummy, healthy and kid friendly! RECIPE – SCROLL DOWN TO THE …

22 replies
  1. Diane Stevenson
    Diane Stevenson says:

    We always make a turkey tortilla soup after Thanksgiving that my family loves. I have never thought of making turkey broth. I will have to remember to do that next year. Good video. Thanks!

  2. Mickey Mouse
    Mickey Mouse says:

    You've Got A Lot Of Moxy Lady! One Of The Best Ways To Get Better Is To Keep Moving & Laughter!! Yes, Please Send More Cooking Videos!!! Keeping You In My Prayers For Your Healing!!!!

  3. David Behrens
    David Behrens says:

    Another Great video. Will have to give it a try, probably with chicken. I am glad that you are feeling better, but I do feel that you need to take it easy for a week or so. I feel that maybe you should take a week off on the videos. I will miss them but I will understand and I am sure that everyone else would also. Just take Take care of yourself and don't overdo it. I am sure having a family is enough to keep you busy. We have two boys who are 10 and 11 and they are a handful. Just take care of yourself. 🙂

  4. ahibuddy19
    ahibuddy19 says:

    I will definitely try this recipe. I work with special needs clientele and I just happened to make chicken noodle soup on Friday for one of them. It was the very first time I have made it and it wasn’t bad, but I think I would like making the broth vs purchasing the Swanson broth from the store. Thank you for doing this video while you are on the mend. Much appreciated‼️

  5. samzman9
    samzman9 says:

    For stock I use vegetable scraps, like the ends of celery or onion skins. I keeps bag in my freezer and just add them in as I cook and then they are ready when I need them

  6. Happy Forlife
    Happy Forlife says:

    Yay!! You’re feeling a little better! Yummy soup!! I make a turkey soup twice every year great minds truly do think alike! I have three kids ages 20, 6,and almost 4 and they would probably lose it if I didn’t do the turkey soups lol. Or any soup for that matter…..

  7. Janie Lamie
    Janie Lamie says:

    Hey, you can put a damp cloth or paper towel under your cutting board to keep it from sliding around. Also, most major grocery stores will sharpen knives in their meat department.

  8. Lily
    Lily says:

    Aaawww Becca….poor Baby! I can tell you are still under the weather. If I was there I would happily clean house and cook while you recuperated and Ben watched the kids. Bless your heart for making this video so soon out of your sick bed. DON'T OVER DO IT! Do not want you back in the ER. I am definitely going to try this recipe very soon. The soup looked delicious! Oh, and that bone breaking on the turkey carcass at about 2:21 was an awesome sound effect. Sure that freaked out some vegans, LOL! The kids praying was adorable! I could bite those little rosy cheeks! I continue to pray for your health. Love y'all! Ben, please make Becca rest. Get a fly swat after her if need be! 😉😘. XO

  9. Em's
    Em's says:

    Lovely to see a video
    Hope you are all feeling better very soon Take care of you all. God Bless. If you do not have enough you can always freeze them until you do. Would like to see more of your recipes.


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