Ding Ding Ding LUNCH TIME | What I Fed My Kids | What We Eat in a Week

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35 replies
  1. Tourettes0
    Tourettes0 says:

    are you going to garden next season? i have quite an abundance of extra seeds from this year and wanted to share with others! i have given a few of my coworkers some- a couple of them will be gardening for the first time next year! so exciting. would you mind if i sent some to your P.O. box?

  2. Diana Stuart
    Diana Stuart says:

    The meal ideas are helpful on a budget. And I like that they are balanced and provide nutrition. From what I have seen you are one of the few mom's on YouTube that actually cares about her kids and feeds them nutritious meals that are not full of sugar and junk. Thank You for the video and ideas.

  3. Dream Room
    Dream Room says:

    The entire series will be on NEW.So/RAPPORN eventually. BUT a lot of work and resources went into making this series, so for now it's sitting behind a paywall for those that want to support. Watch the rest of the series right now by going to this link. Either way I appreciate y'all support.😍

  4. Charity Westcott
    Charity Westcott says:

    Kitchen shears are a must! I know my hubby has heard it about taking them out of the kitchen. Lol. One thing I do whenever I bake bacon is chop 4-6 slices, and an onion. I stick that in the freezer and add it to a family size can of green beans. Easy, yummy side. ☺️

  5. Monika Clay
    Monika Clay says:

    Greetings from Australia, just wanted to say how adorable yr kids are. I've only just discovered yr channel. You remind me a bit of me at yr age, except I didn't home school my 2 boys. Would have like to but its not something people do here. I'm 60 now and when I was yr age I was definitely into alternate ways of doing things. Guess I was abit more of a hippy. Congrats to you for all that cooking you do. Your the first person I've seen cook with what you have. Love it. I to would have used the tuna salad to make that dish. Alot of people don't have the experience or Imagination to do that. Look forward to yr next videos 💕✌😊

  6. Hardy Whitehead
    Hardy Whitehead says:

    Great video. The kids get very healthy lunches. Much better than if they attended school. Your an awesome mom. Kudos to you for serving vegetables in their food. Kudos to the kids for liking the veggies. Keep on keeping on. Till next time stay safe and be you and be happy. God bless you and the family. Hugs Betty 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰💕❤️♥️💗🌹😘😘

  7. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Carolina you amaze me with all the creative recipes. Also your kids get awesome lunches my kids would be happy to come eat at your house. My kids are teens so these days they get sandwiches when they are home from school. When they are at school they get free hot lunch so I don't make lunches they also get hot breakfast at school. So I just make dinners all week and breakfast on the weekend. Great job Carolina love your channel.

  8. Citygirl Homestead
    Citygirl Homestead says:

    love what you do so creative. The farther in this journey that I come I am hoping to get better at creating my own recipes. You do an awesome job and those kids are very lucky they have you as a momma. Great job Carolina


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