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24 replies
  1. Kathy Thut
    Kathy Thut says:

    How are you handling your personalized eating plan with also feeding your family? Are they eating what you eat? Making separate meals? Prepping yours then eating it when they eat?

  2. Kimberley Jackshaw
    Kimberley Jackshaw says:

    Great video, my friend and YouTuber Janet Greta here in Canada signed up for this and there was a discount but it's just not in my budget at the moment, though I found a good site I'm trying. I am dealing with high blood pressure and IBS as well as arthritis and they do ask you those questions. I did fill out the survey, but the cost just isn't in my budget until I get back to work.

    So for now I'm using MyNetDiary and just eating healthy and portion controlled and using meal supplements to help me on a couple days a week .. I don't feel deprived as I have toast or fruit with my shakes and fruit and veggies with my protein bars so I'm still eating. and so far so good. I have what the medical world calls metabolic syndrome so I have many related conditions EXCEPT for anything diabetes related. No signs of that at all but I do have the blood pressure and slightly elevated cholesterol. So I know that means more fish and exercise and a few vitamin and mineral supplements too. Yes doing the eating part first then will incorporate exercise next month.

    Happy 2023! See you soon!

  3. rita oledimma
    rita oledimma says:

    Thank you Danielle for this video! I have watching your videos for years … always real! Please can you recommend any small space treadmill for home cardio? I checked every description and couldn’t find the link for the one your using. ❤️❤️

  4. Patricia Beaudin
    Patricia Beaudin says:

    100% agree about what you said especially keto thank you for everything you do for us just live your journey thank you for being you 💚 wishing you a happy new year to you and your family ⚘🥰

  5. Kelly Trammell
    Kelly Trammell says:

    Love your channel…For some reason it has not been popping up on my you tube when u post a video x 2 months…I have bell notifications on…anyways I will keep watching for it😍

  6. Marina Alvarado
    Marina Alvarado says:

    Good evening Danielle. Thanks again for inspiring us to be rhe best of our self ❤️. N I order my book. I want all the help that I can get. Thank you so much 💓. God bless you and your family honey. U look fabulous 👌 👏 👍

  7. Donna Beach
    Donna Beach says:

    Well what are you meaning by restrictive? In order to lose weight you have to lower your calories; so in a way you are restricting some calories in order to lose weight. Wow you are the second influencer that is promoting this book!! I hear for those that have to pay for it; it is very expensive. Daniela I am shocked that you putting forth such negativity towards Keto. If I recall did you not lose a significant amount of weight on Keto?? If you had gained a little bit of weight and decided to choose a different way of eating doesn't mean that Keto was bad for you or not a great way for someone to lose weight and like you start to reintroduce more carbs once they lost weight.

  8. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    To each his own. We are all different. An apple or a carrot didn't make you fat. Eating what you can do consistently for the rest of your life..a diet doesn't do that.
    Well said!!

  9. Raeslaysweight
    Raeslaysweight says:

    This is a great video! And you are shinning! Love this. Low carb is what worked for me. I have PCOS and a bladder autoimmune and when I went off low carb and tried to incorporate more things it opened a flood gate lol. But even cutting out the trash food, my body still stays inflamed and when I’ve gone back to low carbs it’s not. Proving we’re all different.

    So ready to continue a healthy mindset and continue riding along your journey!

  10. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Happy New Year Daniela!
    You are spot on with all you said here. Appreciated everything you said.
    I havent been working out because ingot sick last week plus I ate whatever I wanted during Christmas for 3 days. The worst was eating home.ade shortbread cookies. 2 every day for 3 days. They were so delicious I enjoyed them very much. But my body didnt appreciate it. Yes I feel extra puffy but I learned something…..I was getting frustrated usingvMyFitness Pal to track my calories and food to keep me accountable but I was not losing weight. Now that I stopped tracking daily consistently, I am not feeling and looking my best so what I was doin before was working so I must trust the process. It takes time to gain muscle and lose abdominal fat in post menopause but this is my lifestyle so i have my entire life to do this so let's Do This!!

  11. Ashleigh Cooper
    Ashleigh Cooper says:

    I ordered the ebook from them just now. But I paid through paypal and it happened so fast i didn't get to put in your code. I am going to email them to maybe they can give you credit?


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