Devouring HOT ASIAN BUNS with Bachan's BBQ Sauce

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I went to #WowBao for some #HotAsianBuns and I’m going to try #BachansBBQSauce on them, as well. Huge thanks to Billy …

26 replies
  1. Bobby Hall
    Bobby Hall says:

    As a half Asian person I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the name of this video alone. Also glad you started messing with Bachan’s it’s so fire. They got a spicy version that I know will be right up your alley

  2. Dee Cohen
    Dee Cohen says:

    Thanks!Knock knock who’s there did your friend from New York who has fucking insomnia thank you for the upload I wrote a comment I had a neighbor who is from Tokyo and she calls herself Bachan (pronounnced bah-chan) to my 2 kitty cats it means grandmother in Japanese. Thanks for the shout out I have mixed feelings about summer being over I had a really fucking stressful summer but the leaves are starting to change here and I’m getting annoyed but winter is on its way. Anyway thanks for the upload I need to try to get back to sleep before work I did work yesterday I didn’t have to but I did because… bills

  3. Dee Cohen
    Dee Cohen says:

    I tell you what I didn’t really appreciate having to work yesterday but I volunteered because you know bills I will tell you that I absolutely appreciated how freaking dead the roads were when I was commuting to and from work and I’m so freaking glad the summer is over because of traffic I mean I live upstate New York so it sounds kind of stupid to complain about traffic but the struggle is real people drive like shit especially (if they’re from Jersey or Florida or Brooklyn those guys are the worst). Anyway yeah hi again it’s your friend from New York who has insomnia so it’s 4 AM and I’m watching and I’m gonna give you a tip again bc hopefully I’ll be able to calm the hell down and go back to sleep my neighbor who moved away in January and her husband are both from Tokyo… we became very good friends over the past 3 years and she calls herself Bachan (pronounced “bah-chan”) to my 2 kitty cats I’ve been bummed since she She moved away to North Carolina. We became friends during the beginning of 2020 when we all had nothing to do so we just stood outside and talked and fed the deer that came down to our apartments OK I’m rambling here’s a tip I definitely want to come to Chicago someday I’ve never been there it looks like such a cool AF city

  4. Tiffany Kleinsteuber
    Tiffany Kleinsteuber says:

    Thank you for making videos cuz it just makes my day awesome, laugh, and inspired to cook. and i wonder if that bbq sauce is available in canada? But never heard that bao and def would love to try if they got them here in Ontario. Always look forward to your videos. Enjoy your awesome day!!!

  5. MS
    MS says:

    why would the pronunciation change if the shortened is Bao (said correctly) Baozi has to start the same right…Right Sean….RIGHT?…I'm asking Sean.

  6. Jessi Moths
    Jessi Moths says:

    Oh sweet baby Sean. 🙂 BAO-zee. BAAAH-chans. (Japanese for grandma is obaachan, so it's short for that.) You really have to try cooking fried noodles/rice/stirfry with it. It caramelizes so nicely.


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