Devil Girl from Mars (Sci-Fi, 1954) Patricia Laffan, Hugh McDermott | Cult Movie, Subtitle

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Invasion from Outer Space!…Sights too weird to imagine! Destruction too monstrous to escape! An uptight, leather-clad female …

31 replies
  1. Satan Official
    Satan Official says:

    "Sometimes, we fail to believe what we see when charged particles of potato salad impact the entire system of the curvature of space and time. But it is well worth evaluating the progress of atmospheric rivers indigenous to the magnetic fields of cactus derived from the quantum state of paper clips on the verge of becoming a supernova. I love learning everything I can on it in a clear and understandable way to clear up any misconceptions about electromagnetic wave pressures created by the nuclear decay of tabasco sauce. Linear partial differential equations govern the probabilistic interpretation of an ashtray on a motorbike with the telekinetic ability to fold origami paper into animal shapes. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a kangaroo. Of course all of this is happening in a broader context of gravitational lensing caused by freshly mowed grass as a pizza topping. To this day it amazes me that crocodiles in Australia love to dance the batusi. But we must honestly admit uncertainty and adhere to the continuous pursuit of truth and the scientific method of unicorns and pixy dust. Any solid can display the Wigner effect."

    —Albert Einstein

  2. aadamtx
    aadamtx says:

    Wow, Adrienne Corri AND Hazel Court! Doesn't get much better than this. I don't think I've ever seen a spaceship make a noisier landing, though. 😂

  3. Buzza Wuzza
    Buzza Wuzza says:

    Too much standing around talking and not enough of that cool looking robot. The B Movie science talk is fun though. "Oh my brain can't handle what is happening"! How many times does Devil Girl come in through the French doors???


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