Describe your perfect vacation. #philippines #angelescity #expat #travel #filipina #phillipines

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Do you want to live in the Philippines or visit longer than 30 days? I have you covered. I’m please to be able to work with your …

50 replies
  1. @SnrRiKMunoz
    @SnrRiKMunoz says:

    Hey – don't let this put you off! Its a beautiful place with many and varied awesome places to go and people to see and meet. The only assh*les I ever met over there were English, and the only place I ever have seen anything like what this short depicts was in Wilmslow in Cheshire! A disturbing amount of "fathers" walking about the place hand in hand with their "daughters"! Philippines rocks!

  2. @Larsbor
    @Larsbor says:

    All people comment about is age.. I find it a bit scary phillipines have become the next place for Pedoes it seems, and that is not just age..! Like would small women go to Nigeria and find men twice their size.. or do women sleep with their horses ? that is just weird!

  3. @FierceMouse
    @FierceMouse says:

    Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


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