DELICIOUS TURKEY CURRY | Use up any leftover meat to make this easy curry | Food with Chetna

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This is a simple easy turkey curry recipe but can also made with any leftover roast meats you might have leftover, like chicken and …

31 replies
  1. James Newman
    James Newman says:

    Sorry Chetna…. I watch your channel because I love the way YOU cook. The machine kind of takes the Love syou put in away. Hope YOU will be cooking next video. Still Love you, just drop the machine.

  2. Nik Sat
    Nik Sat says:

    It was interesting to see this new gadget being used, but personally, I would prefer recipes using normal stovetop please, as there's no way I'm ever going to own one of those gadgets. Thanks for all the recipes you have posted, much appreciated – I've been given your books over the last couple of years (and have given them as presents to other people too) but it's really helpful to see the techniques you use to make them, so really like watching the videos you have done.

  3. Paul Womack
    Paul Womack says:

    I'm sure (just from memory) that when the Hairy Bikers were doing their "tour round England, cook with local ingredients, then do a judged-by-locals cook off against a local restaurant", one of the restaurants had a thermomix, and Dave Myers was very much impressed by it.

    I can't remember what the restaurant was using it for 🙁

  4. Saira Peerbux
    Saira Peerbux says:

    this gadget is good for mixture and all that is does…
    however I'll wait a little bit until they bring a new one out that can peel onions and potatoes do the dusting and hoover the floor and perhaps make a lovely cuppa
    I dont want much do i?

  5. Peteblue
    Peteblue says:

    I don’t understand some of the negative and pretty nasty comments on here. Chetna provides some excellent free recipes on her channel I have tried most of them and they are delicious. I appreciate not every one can afford one of these devices but too to be rude about this video is totally disrespectful. I look forward to more excellent recipes in 2022. Happy New Year to Chetna and all her family.

  6. O'SheaGreen
    O'SheaGreen says:

    Would love another demo recipe with this. They're such a large upfront cost, it's really helpful to see someone you trust using it to make recipes you know they'd make for real. Thanks Chetna.

  7. Anlbe1
    Anlbe1 says:

    Looks delicious thank you! Sorry people are being rude about product placement. One of the things I’ve always liked about your product placement is that it’s never an essential part of the many many free recipes you give us.

  8. Sheela Thackor Bhaga
    Sheela Thackor Bhaga says:

    Woah, hate mail?? That's just not on!!
    That's one amazing piece of equipment there Chetna. It cleans too lol. That's what every household needs. 😄
    Thank you for that delightful recipe. Will try it with chicken. 🙏🌹

  9. Koda
    Koda says:

    How easy is that contraption to clean after using it? Did you find it SAVED you time and/or effort, or does it still take nearly the same amount of time; just freeing you up to do other chores while it did the cooking for you? Curious, because I like gadgets that save time and are easy to clean! Now, for the curried turkey – which I have been making (incorrectly, as it turns out) for 40+ years, yours is going on the supper menu to night! Thanks, & Happy New Year!
    #CurriedTurkey #ThermoMix #FestiveLeftovers

  10. Tony Burton
    Tony Burton says:

    Interesting to see this equipment, but I respectfully would ask you to please avoid using it in future. Please remember that unlike you, – the cost of this for many on your channel is a luxury in current times way out of their budget., And yes I do have a few of your books which I enjoy. .

  11. padma rekhaa
    padma rekhaa says:

    Hi Chetna !! I love all your videos and recipes!! I watch your videos coz your recipes are really really easy and delicious and I have always admired the family centric you !! I don’t find this particular recipe very appealing!! It does look in between a curry and a keema !!

  12. Sdaub09
    Sdaub09 says:

    what an interesting tool! I've never heard of an appliance that has all those functions in one. it could be really good for someone with limited counter space or a small kitchen.

  13. Amy Gooder
    Amy Gooder says:

    I've been fascinated with how the thermomix works since I saw it on an episode of the Great British Menu years ago. As an American it's not nearly as common here as it is in Europe. While it's not currently in my budget, it's still fun to see it in use. Thanks for the demo Chetna.

    P.S. ignore the haters please. They aren't worth your time.


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