Delicious Steak and Potatoes $4

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26 replies
  1. stancexpunks
    stancexpunks says:

    Omg! He’s actually using seasoning🧂!!! I thought the day would never come. I actually watched this video for the sole purpose of seeing if he used any seasoning cuz in the past, he would never use it, not even salt and pepper and I thought that was very odd so I didn’t watch another one of his videos for a while. In the past He never had the kind of reaction that he does here when eating the steak which goes to show the power of seasonings. I’m glad he finally discovered it! Better late than never.

  2. ted langille
    ted langille says:

    Good video Tom as usual! One pointer though is olive oil is a poor choice for frying as it does not stand up to the requisite high temperatures. Canola, corn, vegetable, peanut, or sunflower oils work far better.

  3. Cj
    Cj says:

    Tom just wondering have you had that large mole on the right hand side of your neck checked lately it looks a little aggressive Best regards firefighter Iain younger u.k

  4. H Holland
    H Holland says:

    Eye of round can be tender and delicious, I like to roast it whole at 500 degrees for 15 minutes or so and then finish it at a lower temp. Comes out great, and the gravy is good too

  5. Dawz
    Dawz says:

    I have to thank you for posting videos on cheap meals. I've been buying bologna and PB&J to save money. And videos like these are helping a lot more people than you think

    ZIP RIDER says:

    Everything about this channel is flawlessly perfect. Tom's special effects are always slipped in at the perfect moment and watching him cook his potatoes with (fill in the blank pan meal) I think it's safe to say they we are all wondering if he is going to flip them… But he doesent. I love when he says "healthful" and comments on how delicious the meal is. Also, I now say "I shall" for everything. Such as, ,"I shall take a shot"… I dunno.. just makes you feel like grandpa approves. So much to love. This is literally the most legendary channel ever..wish this exsisted when I was broke and eating top ramen. Nothing else like it.

  7. Pitty Pat
    Pitty Pat says:

    You don’t need all that seasoning too much bullshit out and meet increase your cholesterol and your blood pressure the hell with all that shit just put a little bit of sea salt and pepper the hell with garlic and all the other horse shit anyways I love your videos

  8. Pitty Pat
    Pitty Pat says:

    I’d love cooking steaks and cast-iron with a little bit of butter I live in an apartment building and we’re not allowed to have grills which no big deal to me I love cast-iron good job 👍


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