DELICIOUS Instant Pot Vegetables for Summer – Perfect for Beginners!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

1. When cooking the carrots – please put it in sealing. Not venting. I think I need more sleep!

2. Cook the Mushrooms for 4 minutes on manual (high pressure)

3. Again. I need more sleep. So sorry for the audio in one section of it. Moving across the country is not for the faint of heart. ha ha! Thanks for your patience!

I love summer cooking and I love eating vegetables as a side dish! These Easy Instant Pot Vegetables are PERFECT if you don’t want to open your oven in this HEAT! The best part is, they are so easy to make and only take a few minutes!

Find the Slow cooker Recipes here: (please note… they are not exactly like the Instant Pot ones because sometimes when I cook, I make things to how I like them! ha ha)

Slow Cooker Mushrooms:

Slow cooker Corn:

Get our NEW Copycat Cookbook and 2 FREE E-Coobooks with it! Grab them here:

Find my cooking checklist here so you can know how long to cook things in the Instant Pot!

Check out my 9 Instant Pot DON’TS if you are a beginner to Instant Pot cooking!

See our other Instant Pot Recipes:

Just remember when using the Instant Pot, it takes 10-20 minutes to pressurize!

Be sure to give me a thumbs up and comment if you would like more Instant pot recipes or tips and tricks with the Instant Pot! Also, feel free to comment if you have any questions, and I will try the answer them the best I can!

This is the Instant Pot I have (yes it is the cheaper one and I love it!):

If you are cooking for 1-2 people I would suggest the 3 Quart. If you are cooking for more, I would suggest the 6 quart!

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45 replies
  1. Sunny N
    Sunny N says:

    Thank you so much for your awesome IP recipes… especially the veggie ones! When I went vegetarian many years ago (lasted about 10 yrs – but I was not a good one – I was heartbroken to discover potato chips aren't, technically, a vegetarian food. Or actually a food at all!)

    Anyway, my favorite mainstay, which my daughter loved too, was simply sauteeing roughly equal amounts of onions, peppers and mushrooms, sometimes with garlic. Served in lightly toasted pita bread. Yummm! No condiments necessary! Another fave was steamed cauliflower mashed with salt, pepper, and dijon mustard. Super easy and delish. I still eat both of these frequently!

  2. lagaringer
    lagaringer says:

    Thank you for this one, I tried corn on the cob and it was so perfect! I love all of your videos and I always look forward to the new ones. I have a question…will you be putting out a six sisters instant pot cookbook anytime soon? I would love to have it. I have several of your other cookbooks and love them all. Thanks for doing what you do.

  3. Emmy123849 Smith
    Emmy123849 Smith says:

    Umm thankfully I read tge comments but you should really redo this video. This is my first time steaming in my IP and i jist did what u said and after a fee mins i read the comments and had to start over.

  4. Leona Chi
    Leona Chi says:

    My favorite new kitchen appliance.>>> Between this and my air fryer you practically can cook everything. I love that you can sear meat and then pressure cook it rather that dirty another pan searing and adding to a crock pot. I have already given out many as gifts. It’s the perfect wedding, new baby, and off to college gift!

  5. Tb B
    Tb B says:

    I followed this exactly & my broccoli came out totally mushy ?! Also people said to not put the lid on when steaming vegetables & you don’t need quick release ?

  6. Evelyn Collins
    Evelyn Collins says:

    Daughter showed me your channel. I liked it and subscribed. Recently found out my thyroid has issues. Starting Gerson therapy eating. I don't have IP yet but I see there's a contest, so I'm hopeful that somehow I am a winner. My sister has RA and she has shown me about going vegan. She doesn't have an IP either. She cooks her veggies the old fashioned way. The IP looks perfect for people who have energy and stamina issues like I do. Thanks for your helpful advice and recipes.

  7. Sidney Mathious
    Sidney Mathious says:

    I like eating greens and the Instant Pot is great for that, and also corn. I recently decided to go back to cast iron cooking and have purchased more skillets, and dutch ovens to add to my collection since I got tired of replacing my non stick pans every two years or less and I have more than enough of them being used to feed and water the animals outside the home. I love the instant pot for cooking vegetables I don't want to cook in my cast iron cookware.

  8. Rho Z
    Rho Z says:

    Don’t have an instant pot yet but will use these ideas when I do. So awesome not to turn on the oven to bake potatoes and corn this summer!!!!
    Can someone fill me in on a pronunciation habit I hear often these days? For instance, in a two syllable word where the second syllable begins with the letter “t”, it is often ignored. Example…the word “button” has always been pronounced something like “butt-n”. Now I often hear it pronounced something like “buh-in”. That’s as close as I can come to describing what I am hearing. What’s up with that ? Seem to hear it often from people 30’s or so. Thanks!

  9. Susy Curtis
    Susy Curtis says:

    We love corn on the cob in the instant pot too. We put 1 cup of water in the bottom and put the corn on the metal rack thing. Then seal and cook for 1 minute. Quick release and it's done!

  10. karyn harding
    karyn harding says:

    Hi, when you are giving the cooking instructions for the carrots, there is a problem with the audio. I have listened on my phone and on my desktop and it is still not clear.. It is another set of instructions playing at the same time 😔


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