Dehydrating Rice For Homemade and Healthy Instant Rice | Day 22 of the Every Bit Counts Challenge

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Its day 22 of the #everybitcountschallenge and today we are making instant rice so we have a quick rice to toss into dishes we’re …

27 replies
  1. Erica Waymaster
    Erica Waymaster says:

    "It will taste like a nasty butthole" Oh my gosh you make me laugh. You are killing it with the challenge. I make huge batches of broth in my electric water bath canner and let it simmer for days. The last time i did the beef soup bones I had my fire alarms going off at 5 in the morning. they get smoky.

  2. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    Just have to say what I've been thinking. Where I used to live I had your exact kitchen cabinets. I liked the simplicity but always felt they needed something, but couldn't find a style of hardware that I thought would work. I couldn't paint but thought that would be great. Now I think a white or gray stain would look awesome. I assume you're not even thinking of this because I wouldn't, I'd probably still have half of my boxes to unpack!!! 💗

  3. Sheila Laidig
    Sheila Laidig says:

    Believe it or not I had just put beef bones in the crock pot without roasting them. I quick pulled them out and stuck them in the oven. Thanks for the warning! I'm canning beef for the first time.

  4. carolyn moody
    carolyn moody says:

    Just a tip.. I use my elec water-bath canner to do my broth in then I let it sit for a bit (all the settlements fall below the spout .then I just fill jars from the water spout an it saves me the step of straining.. Blessings ❤️got the idea from kneady homesteader

  5. Susie Salazar
    Susie Salazar says:

    I heard you talking about the instant rice on Monday’s live. I am definitely trying that out. Plus, learned something new on today’s video ~ I can use parchment paper with my dehydrater!! Mine didn’t come with the special flats (I guess you can call them that 😉). I may purchase them in the future but for now parchment!! 😃. Again, thank you!!


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