Dehydrating and Freeze Drying Green Chili

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Drying green chili by either dehydrating or freeze drying provides a shelf stable food that lasts for years and provides great …

50 replies
  1. Pat Kromka
    Pat Kromka says:

    Pam, great video! Enjoyed watching how good the dehydrated green chilies came out. Will have to try that. I noticed you didnโ€™t heat the chicken when you took it out of the jar. Is that not a necessary step when it comes to canned meat? Also, when buying the larger jars of green chilies, is it also possible to pressure can or water bath can them in half pint jars? Thank you and Jim for all the excellent videos and sharing your knowledge and expertise with the world!

  2. Dianna Barbee
    Dianna Barbee says:

    I have a question, I am new to your channel and I love it. I know this may sound silly but when you were cooking the onions, I was so concerned for splatter. Do you not like to wear an apron? Also, how do you clean your blouses? I have watched your older video's and have seen you wear that blouse before! Love your channel! Thanks….oh and I am assuming Jim took your pics of your introductions and I think he does fine. You don't need a professional!

  3. Southside Carly
    Southside Carly says:

    Pam you found a good one ๐ŸฅฐItโ€™s so sweet that Jim blesses you with those gorgeous rosesโค๏ธI think dehydrating peppers is on my to do list.(donโ€™t have a freeze dryer). Thanks for sharing the video

  4. Texassews
    Texassews says:

    Thank you Pam and Jim. I told my husband, โ€œPam got a case of green chilies that are more than a quart each, from her loving husband Jim.โ€ I also added, โ€œJim gave her roses too!โ€ Then I made a sad face. He said, โ€œYou donโ€™t like flowers because they die so quickly.โ€ I said, โ€œI knowโ€ฆโ€. He said, โ€œOK, where did Jim get the green chilies?โ€ Now he is going to get me a case of the chilies, if he can find them. I had a good time with that repartee. He is the freeze dryer person in our family, and he loves chilies, so itโ€™s a win win. BTW, I love flowers, but get so sad when they die, it is better I donโ€™t have them. I would rather have a plant of some kind. You two are so sweet. I really enjoy your videos.

  5. Norma Young
    Norma Young says:

    Dear Pam have you ever watched retirement at 40, live life simple. They sell freeze dried products that separate the trays, cover the trays, and a product that can make individual portion maker. Check it out thank you

  6. K Quitberg
    K Quitberg says:

    Moving to Wyoming from New Mexico. Bought 24 jars of the 505 green chiles to take. Heavy!!!! Will fill my freezer with frozen green chile also. Green chile is not a condiment, itโ€™s a main ingredient!

  7. Patricia Byrd
    Patricia Byrd says:

    Pam, Dehydrating green Chiliโ€™s never thought about doing that. Thanks for sharing the enchilada sauce recipe and then making the chicken enchiladas looks so delicious. I canโ€™t wait to try making them. What lovely thing for Jim to get roses ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒนfor a rose.

  8. Vinlago
    Vinlago says:

    Does it matter if this is done with a chili sauce that has oil in it? A surprising number of products have a bit of soybean or vegetable oil in their ingredients lists.

    Or does freeze drying extend the shelf life of foods with oil in them that would otherwise go rancid if merely dehydrated?

  9. Dale & Vickie Halteman
    Dale & Vickie Halteman says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I wanted to ask you about putting things in the dehydrator to finish off after freeze drying but I did not know where to ask. There is a debate on "Retired at 40 FD group" and I told my husband I would love to hear your take on it. Any more info on that would be welcomed.

  10. sylviah1234
    sylviah1234 says:

    Thank you for this recipe and dehydrating the green chili sauce. I do have a jar from Costco and will be getting more. I love green chilis, especially the poblano's are my favorite. We also love Mexican food especially my husband. I'll be making green chili, chicken enchiladas this evening ๐Ÿ™‚ย  and dehydrating the extra.
    IF I can get that lid off the jar : ))
    I have the lodge set too. I once used it for baking my sourdough bread.

  11. Susan Peterson
    Susan Peterson says:

    How sweet of Jim to surprise you with roses.โค๏ธ You deserve everyone he gives you. Here's a dozen from me. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน

  12. Janie Burlingame
    Janie Burlingame says:

    I have been unable to find whole or chopped green chilies in any size larger than 4 oz for the past two years. I don't know what's happened to reduce the crop that much in eastern WA. I'm planning to grow my own this year. Then I will follow your suggestions for dehydrating.

  13. Teresa Fell
    Teresa Fell says:

    So about how many hours did it take to dehydrate the chilies, and how long will it stay shelf stable in the jars? What did the dehydrate chilies look like, very dry and crisp?


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