Dear Carnivores, Please STOP…

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Dear Carnivores, Please STOP… If you’re doing the carnivore diet then you need to watch this video. ✓ Support the channel …

48 replies
  1. Rudy Pasquale
    Rudy Pasquale says:

    I have been carnivore for 18 months- gut health returned to best ever, clear headed and more vitality. I do drink coffee, eat a sweet potato 1-2x a week and sometimes eat cabbage. Otherwise it’s just meat, eggs, fat, -im not going back!

  2. no No
    no No says:

    this is why I call my diet 'Zero Carb', not Carnivore. Carnivore is incredibly cringe with the grifter youtubers all pushing their crap and trying to make a buck with gimmick nonsense.

    I love coffee with cream, drink diet soda all the time and eat a carb meal every weekend to keep my insulin response working. If that triggers some weird zealot then lmao at them

  3. D P
    D P says:

    And if carnivore is eating like our ancestors, you can't tell me that when hunting was a bust, they didn't eat some plants, berries, etc. from time to time. Be puritanical if pepper gives you hives, sure, but otherwise, take it down a notch.

  4. Carnivore Quest
    Carnivore Quest says:

    Hey! First vid I caught, thanks to Southern Ketovore for leading me here. Good stuff! Thanks for bringing it. We have encountered many dogmatic fools. The majority of people can see right through the bully in people. It is unfortunate that some people are turned off by the dogmatics. But channels like No Carb Life and ours send a clear message to the carnivore community about this WOE! Keep on keeping on! -Cassie 👍liked, subbed and the whole shebang🔥

  5. Mr_ Batsu
    Mr_ Batsu says:

    I've seen this attitude of "do it my way or your doing it wrong" in carnivore as well as all other areas of life. It's great that others found what works for them but they need to realize we are all different. We all have different health issues, different bodies and different preferences.

    I think it was Dr. Berry who said" "You can get the majority of benefits from eating a low carb diet (like Keto or Carnivore) by eating mostly store brand low quality hot dogs. As long as you keep your carb intake low. You don't need to only eat expensive grass fed panda massaged beef." LOL

    I'm sure deep down these people who say "You're doing it wrong" are trying to be helpful but they don't realize they are being a bit rude and oppressive about how they are going about it. Nothing wrong with stating your preferences and offering suggestions, just realize they may decide not to follow them.

    As an example: For me I love the simplicity and limited choices carnivore has. Others may find the limited choices of Carnivore boring and difficult to deal with. That's fine, as long as they are getting the results they like.

  6. Rairakku Mushi
    Rairakku Mushi says:

    I came here to giggle over somebody realizing every supposed lifestyle gets their dogmatic crazies, and you said it yourself! Dear complete opposite lifestylers, welcome to having your own crazy vegans. 😂

  7. Points HealthCoaching
    Points HealthCoaching says:

    "carnivore" is a label attached to an ego…. lol – I respect & follow – of course very qualified individuals; but I still think for myself and disagree/ call them out when they deserve it; at same time learning from them & their guests…. go team red meat & saturated fats (& if you need to supplement: go ahead for cry'in out loud) lol

  8. nosenabookUSA
    nosenabookUSA says:

    How can you be "out of line" when you are sharing your personal experience and feelings? I've eaten Keto for 6 years, and am moving towards carnivore now. You have reminded me of the podcasts I dropped, and forums I left, because so many people use these ways of eating as another way to obsess about food. My family has dealt with eating disorders in the past and it is not a good way to live. I refuse to deal with that level of obsession!

  9. Lisa A
    Lisa A says:

    Agree….. we dont wana be carrying on like militant vegans.
    Stay in your own lane and mind your business……..
    if you like doing carnivore OR ur vegan just do it your way

  10. Alex
    Alex says:

    I worked with a ship's Captain many years when I was training and he told me, laddie, the RULE book is written for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of fools. I understand fully the concept of a carnivore way of life, but I work it to suit me.

  11. Inner Circle
    Inner Circle says:

    Maybe I don't watch enough content but I don't come across all this dogma. I hear individuals telling their story.

    Like you for instance. You eat eggs, butter, cheese and succeed. I can't tolerate them. I'm beef & lamb with bone broth, dripping (tallow) and ghee.

    But I'm interested in how you eat and why. I pick things up to experiment. I watch Shawn Baker, Steak & Butter gal and lots of others. I don't hear dogma. So I don't know where you are seeing all those arguments. Frankly, I'm glad I don't see it, I get nothing but positivity and support from the carnivore community

    Oh, update: signed up to do a Triathlon in June. Last May I could not walk 50m or stand up for more than 5 minutes. 336 to now 255lbsand feeling AWESOME!!

  12. Autumn Feldpausch
    Autumn Feldpausch says:

    They've become just like the vegans, vegheads, fruitatarts..every diet that is said to be a way of life have all their own dogmatic crap. I knew a lady who followed the SAD to a T & she was even a bulldog about it & "all-the-information-you need-from-me" attitude

  13. Sean Levoy
    Sean Levoy says:

    Why do I expect you to play a top 40 hit at the end of each video. What I have learned is to keep my insulin low. There are several ways to do it and reap the benefits. Keep up the good work.

  14. K
    K says:

    Our grandparents were right. "Online" communities aren't real. "Online" friendships aren't real.
    Online tools should be viewed as that, tools. Places that group information and share anecdotes should be viewed as tool sheds and there should be 0 need to feel a personal connection with said places, let alone the ideals of the individuals that make up these places.
    There are too many downsides with the human-social-structure that forms under the idea of community that when paired with pseudo-anonymity of online spaces lets the bad flourish.
    You're all – content creators, aggregators, N1 anecdote note takers – tools to me, now. Miss me with that bitchy hen-pecking order bullshit.

  15. Courtney Luna
    Courtney Luna says:

    I’m 8 months carnivore, still have coffee and don’t do it perfectly.

    My bone to pick lately is the divide between the high fat carnivores and “regular” carnivores. If we want to eat some butter because it makes our bodies feel good, then let us be. Mind your own plate and stop complaining and mocking us.

  16. Gene R.
    Gene R. says:

    Great video! I agree with you 100% Becoming fanatical about anything is not helpful or healthy. Any step in the right direction is a good step and should be encouraged not berated.

  17. Iver Mec-Tin
    Iver Mec-Tin says:

    The most important thing I learned in College was this maxim; If you want to be an artist, the first thing you need to do is give yourself permission to make some really bad art.

    Life is a work in progress. I have come to the point where I avoid dogmatists, evangelicals, and zealots. I just want to be what I was born to be, whatever the hell that is. I bumble and stumble along through life, doing the best I can with what I have come to know and understand. Perfection is just another word for suffering.

  18. Idle Chat
    Idle Chat says:

    I have seen primal carnivore (raw meat) talking about cutting their meat, freezing them like like ice cubes and poping them like pills. Alot of them pushing raw meat like raw vegans mentality. Funny thing is that their once in a week or a month treat is seared ribeye steaks. All i know is i love being a carnivore because i get to eat my seared beef or lamb steak daily. If i am a raw meat carnivore, i wouldnt last 3 years as of now.

  19. Nofxthepirate
    Nofxthepirate says:

    This is my biggest pet peeve about this community. I have improved drastically since starting carnivore and I eat cheap ground beef every day, cooked well done. I'll have steaks on the weekend, but I still can't afford anything more than the cheap stuff. Maybe eating grass fed and finished, regeneratively raised beef would help me more, but it's no reason to stop eating the grain fed beef that is working just fine for me! I'll just gradually move on to better quality meat as my financial situation improves.

  20. Buckles Magee
    Buckles Magee says:

    Anytime some creator starts coming out with lots of rigid rules and complicated studies I start holding onto my wallet. Invariably it's a segway into their program of instruction, a bottle of Magick capsules or cases of unicorn meat. 🦄


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