DDD Ep. #75 – Vegan Spicy Citrus Black Beans (Instant Pot or Not)

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

I made this in a pressure cooker but I recommend a slow cooker because I think it gives the flavors a better chance to meld. Yummy & clean & good for you!

12 replies
  1. HannahHannya
    HannahHannya says:

    Thanks for another great, and spicy, recipe! I joined a Facebook group called Vegan Instant Pot Recipes which I've found to be really supportive in adapting recipes to pressure cooking and learning new recipes. It, or one like it, might appeal to you. Glad you're continuing to explore with your “IP” as I'm always looking for new ideas.

  2. Kay Brossett
    Kay Brossett says:

    Maybe you should try again with less water so the flavors aren't diluted. Possibly that is why you didn't get the flavor explosion? Recipe sounds yummy, will give it a try.


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