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Lots of cleaning motivation, some cooking and recipe sharing and laughing with my kids again. I shared a quick easy Instant Pot Dinner Idea and what a day in …

24 replies
  1. Monica Waldner
    Monica Waldner says:

    I get very dry skin to in the winter here because of the cold. I use baby oil in my bath and I even shave with baby oil plus I oil up when I get out of tub or shower. I love the noise ect at your dinner table, trust me enjoy every minute of it because the time comes very quickly were they are gone and it gets so unbearably quiet. Hadley is quite the little girl boss lol, she just always makes me laugh and Ryker sure has grown I noticed. Very handsome little guy. I want to wish yous a very blessed Thanksgiving my favorite YouTube family. Have a wonderful time today with family. Love yous xoxo

  2. Myra Johnson
    Myra Johnson says:

    When my Aunt and Uncle where stationed in Alaska they swore by Cornhuskers Lotion. I get a lot of wind burn or chapped skin from the cold air so they told me to use it. It does work but has been getting harder and harder to find around here. Walmart did carry the last time I got it. Hadley's face swhen you where doing her hair was priceless. And Ryker's legs where so long! Congratulations Natalie on the win!!! And Hadley wants to play volleyball with a basketball…ouch! Where and when did Ryker get a southern accent? "I found it on the table" oh my word he had me laughing. Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

  3. Cindy Sandhu
    Cindy Sandhu says:

    Amy you have the most cutest little girl i have ever seen. You and your husband make the most beautiful kids! I use to be a tree Nazi to but the last 2 years i let my kids and grand kid decorate it. The whip cream trick was hilarious! I was laughing so hard, you know I'm gonna have to try it….I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing more of your videos.

  4. Mally LaBoy
    Mally LaBoy says:

    Im originally from Colorado and my skin was always dry but my skin was extremely sensitive to any scents so I just use vaseline while still wet just as if your were putting body oil it works wonders and I don't breakout in hives from it…

  5. Camille Oestreich
    Camille Oestreich says:

    Use Coconut oil before you get in the shower put the water as hot as you can stand it rub it in well after you dry off put a thin layer on like lotion you're skin will suck it up if your really dry love coconut oil in the winter ! Only thing here in Florida there is no such thing as winter our winter consist of shorts and flip flops!! So over this heat!! Happy Thanksgiving to y'all hugs and lots of love…🍗🍗🍗🥧🍽

  6. Tina Rice
    Tina Rice says:

    I'd look at the list of side effects of your medicine OR ask any pharmacist. Pharmacists know a lot more about medications than doctors do since that is what pharmacists work with.

    Do you dilute your Mrs. Meyers Cleaner?

  7. Naomi Miller
    Naomi Miller says:

    I live in Alaska too and have dry skin this time of year. I asked my doctor what the best moisturizer is. She said when you get out of the shower and your skin is a little moist rub coconut oil all over. It’s the only thing that has worked consistently for me.


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