Day 8- Fasting & AIP Protocol Diet Update

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We are on Day 8 of our Fasting and Autoimmune Protocol Diet Check out our other YouTube Channel Grabber …

26 replies
  1. Randi Alayne
    Randi Alayne says:

    My daughter and I have been eating so much of these items since November and I feel great! We also make a FireCider that will knock out a cold in a day. The "living thing" is gross, but so healthy. We're going to try Mud Water to replace coffee, so exciting!

  2. AJ Lang
    AJ Lang says:

    Also 90% of all immune disorders stem from leaky gut syndrome.. RA It’s when your body is fighting against it self . Research leaky gut syndrome ( same as your API diet ) just about.

  3. AJ Lang
    AJ Lang says:

    I think you can follow close to a keto diet, with some restrictions. That’s suppose to really help with inflammation too. Also, intermediate fasting can be done at different times. You can do 12/16/20 say example 8am to 8pm , 12pm to 8pm..The easiest for intermittent fasting is to incorporate your sleeping time. look up a brand called provitt they make al kinds of keto, paleo stuff – mainly coconut ingredients, ketones, creamer.

    Look up Ashley Salvator on YouTube & her blog. She sells those products but think can incorporate some to help. I have RA also, so my main triggers are sugar’s, tomatoes , carbs..

  4. Sitting Ducki
    Sitting Ducki says:

    I used to work in a Chinese restaurant and the Chinese women said that's how they ate and there was ALWAYS temptation there with people bringing treats and cakes but this one didn't eat sweets and wouldn't eat after 6 but would eat before work and didn't have to be there until 1030. She did snack but on something called bitter melon and that was NASTY but they ate it like it was candy

  5. redfog42
    redfog42 says:

    I used to make my own kombucha tea. I called the kombucha thing, Brian. He eventually had two babies which I gave away. I called one of them Alasdair. Good that you are trying out this new diet together x

  6. Patti Higgens
    Patti Higgens says:

    Really CURIOUS – when you talk about "spices" – have you researched what "spices" really mean in this case – Spices are USUALLY considered things such as pumpkin spice; ginger; cinnamon; tomato sauce; etc. etc, – while pepper; salt; onion; oregano; garlic; sugar etc. are USUALLY considered "seasonings" – Just wanted to point that out and see if you checked which is which – what are you allowed and what not. I would hate to think that you are allowing or NOT allowing yourself – I was always told "spices" is mostly what is used to BAKE while seasonings are mostly for COOKING. Just a thought out of concern for both of you. – EYL !!

  7. L P
    L P says:

    It was funny cause Steve just kept eating and Steph barely touched anything but the nut things and Kombucha. Steve said he wasn’t really hungry but it sure looked like he was! 😄 HIGH ALERT 🚨

  8. Miss WildLife
    Miss WildLife says:

    Diarrhea can sometimes mean not enough fiber. It says that the tiger nuts are best if soaked in water overnight..interesting. A paleo diet is expensive. Salmon is good for you; lots of iron. I could hear the popping of your back..sounded great. Variety is what keeps a person going. Steve's caboose has gotten loose!! Ohhhh coconut butter on the celery stick!! Yummers! I am going to order both of those items nonetheless, just to see how they taste. Thank you for the info below in onw of your comments!! I am going to order the coconut wraps also(and the turmeric ones. Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory. THANKS for "allowing" me to spend money with Amazon….lol

  9. Kristina Hansson
    Kristina Hansson says:

    I have also tried to change eating habits due to inflammation and osteoarthritis which has helped a lot, especially when I got rid of a lot of sugar. What helped me the most was when I started with Moringa, available both as powder and capsules, I make my own capsules so I know what is in them. It has helped a lot with my pain, waiting for surgery on both hips, maybe something Steve could try. Good luck with your food adventure!

  10. Merrie Busch
    Merrie Busch says:

    I have done the AIP a number of times for a yearly detox for my RA. I found an excellent morning meal alternative. Canned pumpkin mixed with coconut flour and coconut milk, so good.

  11. Tina Thompson
    Tina Thompson says:

    I'm a very picky eater, most of the stuff you're showing I'm like EEW I can't do that. Especially coconut, I don't like it at all, so I'd be in trouble with this diet/fasting

  12. Jessica Dotson
    Jessica Dotson says:

    that was nice to know I don't thank my family could do the dietI because we have lots of medical problems I would have to ask my doctor. I am so glad it is working for you guys I kind of want to do it myself my family would not have to do it

  13. janie fogle
    janie fogle says:

    Oh my God, Steve stuffing his face! I have to say I do not like coconut water but I love the taste of coconut. I am so not picky oh, there's not much I can honestly say that I don't care for but, my grandparents are French and their house always smelled weird because they ate a lot of brain and tongue yuck. Love it. Steph, blend it up and make a liver pate. You can eat it with your chips

  14. phyl ( phyllis )
    phyl ( phyllis ) says:

    Hi guys is this a good diet for type two diabetics ? Myself I have never been a breakfast eater , sometimes I might eat lunch and while I'm cooking supper I nibble a lot ( like my grand mother did ) so by the time I fix my plate I use a small plate not much bigger than a coffee saucer…. will it help with the belly


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