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Day 7 of ramen school at Rajuku Ramen School in Akiruno, Japan. #shorts #Ramen #Japan …

24 replies
  1. @elbentzo
    @elbentzo says:

    As a person who lived in Fukuoka (the ramen capital of Japan), I can confirm that every ramenya worth its salt always served gyoza on the side. Don't know why, but it's tradition to specialize in these two Chinese-Japanese dishes in the same shop.

  2. @caseygreyson4178
    @caseygreyson4178 says:

    Lisa, gyōza is two syllables, not three. It’s not gi-yo-za, it’s gyo-za. Try saying the letter Q, and then change the U sound to an O sound, so Kyo instead of Kyu. And then change the K sound to a G sound.


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