Day 5 of me losing 75 lbs! 1.8 down!

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25 replies
  1. Morgan McKenzie
    Morgan McKenzie says:

    I’m working on hormonally respectful fat loss. About 30 lbs is my goal. But trying to do it without throwing my hormones into an absolute tail spin. And guess what? That means I have to eat haha. I’m not putting a timeframe on my goal just going slow and steady while keeping my energy levels up. Way to go Jen!

  2. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Working on another 40 lbs , lost 65 after my stroke. After that it woke me the fuck up lol Calorie deficit is definitely the way to go been at it for awhile. No fad diets people you gotta eat real foods and move your body its amazing when you see actual things happening lol

  3. Yangie Mouie
    Yangie Mouie says:

    Keep it up Jen! Look into the science of intermittent fasting. I did it for about 7 months and lost almost 60 lbs (along with exercise). Had to stop cause I got pregnant but it worked for me and others that have tried it.

  4. Erica A.
    Erica A. says:

    Lol at the too many calories. You’ve inspired me to get in with a dietician. I have about 10lbs to lose but am pretty active and don’t eat right for my lifestyle!

  5. Nina C.
    Nina C. says:

    You’re motivating me to start the same!! Keep it going, Jen! Ignore anyone who has anything but positive to comment. Haters gonna hate but that won’t disturb your peace 💪💪

  6. Google User
    Google User says:

    I'm gonna do it with you, right after I'm done having covid. Right now I'm just trying to find the energy to hold my head up & keep water down. The glory of outpatient mental health. I mask to keep everybody else safe but nobody will mask to keep me safe.

  7. Kelsey
    Kelsey says:

    people always have an opinion!! I've lost about 80lbs, and this is how I eat and have kept it off for FIVE YEARS. it's about attainable and maintenance, not extreme crash diets. you're amazing!


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