Day 42 Pantry Challenge Colby’s Burgers Trip to the C Kitchen #threeriverschallenge

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5 replies
  1. @teresamessick2297
    @teresamessick2297 says:

    Hi my friend! Don't tire yourself out too much. Tell Cooper I need try pepperoni in an omelet the next time I thaw some out for a pizza. I make sure I save some for breakfast. Driving I was the brave one with the kids they chafer me around. When Kellie took drivers ed it rained every time. When it came time to take her test it was sun shining out till, she started the road test. LOL's, I told her you know how drive in the rain. lol
    That a nice kitchen My daddy says you eating up the profit girl (with a wink). That what daddy tell me when I eat on the produce we grew and sold. Before I moved out, we planted 1000 tomato plants, 50 watermelon, 50 cantaloupe then the rest of the garden. The next growing season I found out how much I was worth Daddy only put our 400 tomatoes, 25 cantaloupe and 25 watermelons. LOL, I raised produce then go dad and help pick his take it to the Dixie Fair ground farmer's markets. You can't call ot that now. Carolina classic. The name of it now. Sale it all out this weekend.
    Great deal on that $5 produce bags and you got them where and a app?
    My day was going to my bone Dr and playing with the Tadpole. The scan came back normal he just as a big noodle like his dad the frog. lol
    Breakfast we had Egg in a Hole, bacon, blueberries. Lunch the LO's Beef bake and Supper Enchilada Pie from the cookbook The Best Kept Secrets of Heatly Cooking 2000 yr. It was a vegetarian recipe but did stray a little I added hamburger. It was tasty. We be having again because it made a 10-inch pie. So, times. Will I catch next time. It fun having a friend to chat with. You all be good. I will try.

  2. @janelemonds5495
    @janelemonds5495 says:

    Do you have a new driver? Your boys are handsome young men .It's beautiful where you live. Your copper sink is gorgeous. Do you see I'm turning green with envy. Could you please put some earrings in your Etsy shop. You know I might need more than one pair. What is your wrist measurement and favorite color?


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